It largely depends on where the touch hole is located in relationship with the bottom and top of the pan. I prefer a vent hole to be .030" above the top of the pan, so that the pan can be filled with powder. I also widen the pans, to give the sparks a wider target to hit.
However, on my rifle, the vent is half above and half below the top edge of the pan. I therefore only put about 1/3 of the pan full of powder, and bank it away from the hole so that the flame rises and is drawn to the " free air " next to, and in the vent hole. I always pick a hole in my main powder charge inside the barrel by using a vent pick through the vent to open up a hole in the powder charge. I do this before priming the pan. This exposes more granules to the fire and heat of the burning priming powder so that more than one granule is lit all at the same instant. If you don't open a hole in the powder, and the powder is packed right up to the vent hole, you are going to have a slower, " fuse effect", because only one or two granules of powder can be ignited at once.
If the touch hole, or vent hole, is at the bottom of your pan, you will want to grind away some of the bottom of the pan to get the flame down under that hole, anyway you can. You will have to bank the powder away from the hole, and probably have to enlarge the hole to make sure you get ignition every time you drop the hammer. If I had a gun like that, I would have a gunsmith plug up the existing vent hole, and then drill a new hole so that the vent hole can be properly located. I have seen well made- in other respects- custom rifles where the vent hole was drilled so its located at the bottom of the pan. Misfires are common, and slow fires are even more common. The guys, good shooters with other guns, just can't seem to shoot good scores with those rifles. Early on in my interest in Flintlock rifles, a club member was having that problem, and another flint shooter told me what was wrong with the gun. I had seen the location of the hole, but did not appreciate its significance, until the other shooter told me.