How safe is it to use lead round balls while hunting?

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Have you been drug tested lately, Mork and Mindy?
Yes two weeks ago as a matter of fact.
Making grand statements is an easy cover. A time correlation looks impressive, if the things line up in the mind. However time correlations often work for other things.
After playboy started publishing there was an increase in reported rapes. Porn/ rape. Fits in the head. But, television started at about the same time playboy started and televised church shows were very popular.
Was Hefner at fault for an increase in reported rapes or was it Billy Graham?
Did lead in gasoline cause an increase in crime, or was it Bogart and Robinson gangster movies.
Was Luther responsible for the growth of Protestantism, or was it the development of more independent nation states that rejected The Popes interference in local politics? Correlations are of them selves useless.
My first gun was a break stop single shot 20 guage. I was raised picking 7 1/2 shot out of game at the dinner table. Squirrel, grouse, rabbits, and grouse. We were dirt poor and counted on wild game and before I was old enough to work I felt pride in contributing food to the family. 75 now and haven't had any ill effects. Now it is a different world in so many ways.
You're so correct Mike. People are afraid of everything, including their own shadow. They want everyone else to protect them because they don't know how.
Swallow a lead pellet isn’t a good idea. However as a hunk of solid lead it isn’t too dangerous. The lead has to get in to your system. Hold a lead ball in your mouth to decrease thirst isn’t a good idea. Drinking anything acidic from a lead glazed pottery pot non to smart
Since before humans were human we got lead and arsenic and God knows what in to our systems. It’s overwhelming the system that’s dangerous. Lots of folk walking around with a lead bullet in their bodies.
Well it’s well know you will find lead shot in the toilet bowl from uk people that eat pheasant and other shot birds , I guess you will now get rusty marks. I would rather bight down on lead shot that a hard bit of steel shot
My first gun was a break stop single shot 20 guage. I was raised picking 7 1/2 shot out of game at the dinner table. Squirrel, grouse, rabbits, and grouse. We were dirt poor and counted on wild game and before I was old enough to work I felt pride in contributing food to the family. 75 now and haven't had any ill effects. Now it is a different world in so many ways.
I bet your father gave you a rusted rifle with a bent barrel and one 22 short and said if you dont come home with 6 rabbits you getting a beating behind the woodshed
Really it's the lead oxide that is super dangerous anyways. Pure elemental lead is not much of an issue. The amount of lead oxide that can get in an animal from being shot is really very minimal. The problem with lead from a waterfowl perspective is the either Intentionally or accidentally consume lead pellets that have sat around and oxidized on the lake beds and shores. Usually you are also not going to eat the part of the animal you hit anyways.
I bet your father gave you a rusted rifle with a bent barrel and one 22 short and said if you dont come home with 6 rabbits you getting a beating behind the woodshed
Yep, thingsh wush ruff in the old daysh, but instead of a "beating" we'd get a woopin'.
You're so correct Mike. People are afraid of everything, including their own shadow. They want everyone else to protect them because they don't know how.
Yes I guess you are talking about city dwellers And many hate gunny people in UK. They live a narrow life. Even so my kids don’t like guns and are almost vegetarians, they also think they are still Europeans. Not British now we have left the EU. They eat steaks but they come from a supermarket no killing involved , i guess haha. See you love from UK.
Well our 1950s house mains 70 ft of lead pipe from the road is still there it blew a few years back and water board replaced a bit with plastic. I gather the pipe inside gets covered in probably lime scale to protect us The conclusion was not to disturb it and replace it with plastic. We bought house off uncle in 1986 and non of us have suffered any ill effects I guess sucking a lead ball is not advised. Haha. I am 79 feel 40 look 63 I am having immunology for old kidney cancer , doc says I should make 90
I guess plenty of vitamin C will keep you ok from lead. My mate Roy up in Norfolk uk is constantly breathing lead fumes casting bullets in his garage, he should use a mask, but he suffers no ill effect. I don’t know anyone that has died of lead poisoning

Ps I paint a lot but no lead paint. Ha ha. Just had first grandson too 😀😀😀

But it’s an important subject that needs constant reviewing. I wish you well

Nice but cold day UK
I always list under allergies...politicians & lead...once a nurse asked me "what kind of lead are you allergic to" to which I replied 45, 38, 50 cal...she just started laughing...
So people have died from LEAD...
Let's put this to rest. Lead Oxide, the white powder on old lead, if ingested, is toxic. Lead shot/bullets, no. Now for a personal view, I was shot by a criminal over 40 years ago. I'm still carrying 3 lead slugs in my body. They're in places that surgery would cause far more problems than it would fix. So with 3 lead bullets in my body and my casting thousands of bullets per year for years, my lead levels are normal. Quit listening to the sensationalist Chicken Littles and be happy.
A big difference between birds and us is that they have gizzards, containing stones to grind their food. Shot will sit in there for a long time, with tiny bits of metal and its oxidized crust being ground off. That presents a far greater opportunity for low levels to be absorbed over a long time than the mammalian digestive system that passes shot through and out in a few hours.
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