How to smoke deer sausage

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45 Cal.
Dec 22, 2010
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I ended up with 33 pounds of deer sausage this year. I don't know why I thought I needed that much sausage, but I fixed it that way. I have done give away all I can right now so the question. How would I go about smoking this stuff. I have already frozen in in around 1 pounds chunks. Can I even smoke it now or did I need to smoke the meat before making the sausage? I have found several recepies that call for smoked venison and would like to try it. I have an electric smoker and I thought I could mabe make patties and smoke them on it? What say ya'll.
a nephew is the sausage maker in this tribe. he stuffs cases and hangs them in his electric smoker and uses hickory chips, apple chips and grape vine as smoke source and very low heat 200dF is max.
but he also makes bulk sausage that he packages and freezes until needed for shapeing into patties and frying. he puts it into zip sandwich baggies. he mixes ground venison with ham fat, pieces of ham trimmings and such. good stuff, makes good gravy grease.
That sounds real good. I ate at a craker barrel and loved the smoked sausage patties they serve. I thought venison would be real good that way. I was afraid that since I had already made the sausage and froze it that I may ruin it trying to smoke it. Thanks!

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