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Aug 19, 2016
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Long time gun nut/re-loader here taking my first steps into the wonderful world of muzzle loading.

Been curious about blackpowder for awhile but, i was never sure where to start. I picked up a traditions cap&ball redi-pak I had been drooling over for awhile now and I am eager to take my first shot.

I got directed this way from another forum so I thought i would join up and see what knowledge I could soak up lurking around here. :wink:
Welcome to the forum from beautiful SW Virginia and to the Wild, Wild World of BP Shooting!!

Two suggestions, though... first, when you shoot your new-fangled cap gun the first time (don't take offense, I'm a flintlock fellow), do it with someone well-versed in the care and feeding of a black powder weapon. Try this link for the NMLRA Charter Clubs to see if there is one in your area. Most clubs are Very welcoming and would love to have you come out and give you some instruction/safety officer supervision for your first time shooting. If y'all like one another, it would give you a place to shoot regularly.

The second suggestion is very subjective and personal: That is, cease the 'gun nut' description. I know it was innocent and heart-felt, but I really have never heard any black powder enthusiast/re-enactor/dress-out person refer to themselves or fellow shooters as that. Like I said, that is just a suggestion based on subjective values. As a replacement descriptor, I might suggest enthusiast' or 'History Nut'. My brothers here on the forum might have a different point of view though. Here you find the personification of the old adage, 'opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one!' :wink:

Welcome indeed and I look forward to your adding to the incredible wealth of knowledge here on this forum. Personally, I know zip about ML pistols, so I would learn from you as you learn and participate. :hatsoff:
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MountainRanger said:
The second suggestion is very subjective and personal: That is, cease the 'gun nut' description.
Oh hell, I'm a registered, certified, accredited Gun Nut - don't worry about it.

I'm also a Biker, not a "motorcycle enthusiast". :wink:
Yeah, I am kind of like Claude on this issue. I much prefer the appellation "gun nut" to firearm enthusiast. But, that's just me. :grin:
MountainRanger said:
Welcome to the forum from beautiful SW Virginia and to the Wild, Wild World of BP Shooting!!

Two suggestions, though... first, when you shoot your new-fangled cap gun the first time (don't take offense, I'm a flintlock fellow), do it with someone well-versed in the care and feeding of a black powder weapon. Try this link for the NMLRA Charter Clubs to see if there is one in your area. Most clubs are Very welcoming and would love to have you come out and give you some instruction/safety officer supervision for your first time shooting. If y'all like one another, it would give you a place to shoot regularly.

The second suggestion is very subjective and personal: That is, cease the 'gun nut' description. I know it was innocent and heart-felt, but I really have never heard any black powder enthusiast/re-enactor/dress-out person refer to themselves or fellow shooters as that. Like I said, that is just a suggestion based on subjective values. As a replacement descriptor, I might suggest enthusiast' or 'History Nut'. My brothers here on the forum might have a different point of view though. Here you find the personification of the old adage, 'opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one!' :wink:

Welcome indeed and I look forward to your adding to the incredible wealth of knowledge here on this forum. Personally, I know zip about ML pistols, so I would learn from you as you learn and participate. :hatsoff:

Thanks for the link, I found a few clubs near to me that seem like they couls be helpful. :thumbsup:
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Chaakra said:
Long time gun nut/re-loader here taking my first steps into the wonderful world of muzzle loading.

Been curious about blackpowder for awhile but, i was never sure where to start.

I got directed this way from another forum so I thought i would join up and see what knowledge I could soak up lurking around here. :wink:
Chaakra, Welcome to our forum my friend! We are honored that you've decided to join us.

I will take the privilege of explaining a little of the nice to know stuff that we have to offer.

This forum is the very best by far when it comes to Traditional Muzzleloader's and BP shooting. All the other aspects that are related to it are covered as well!

No matter what kind of Traditional Muzzleloader you are either currently shooting or may be interested in, it is more than likely covered in fine detail right here!

It doesn't matter where your experience level is, new or old, you will find like minded folks as yourself right here. The majority of our member's have decades of knowledge and experience. They would be happy to answer any questions that you may have. We would also love to hear what you might want to share with us as well!

We also have a Search feature which is located at the top of the forums page's. It's a great tool to utilize for research or for looking up something specific. You can also adjust the date range's located at the bottom of the forums page's. By doing this you will be able to view additional topics on this forum.

You mentioned earlier that you are new to Traditional Muzzleloading and BP shooting. The learning opportunities here are truly endless! I guarantee you'll learn something new each and every time you visit this forum.

Lastly and most importantly, Our forum is a friendly place where everybody's imput and opinions are highly valued. New or Old! You'll be able to meet lifelong friends who share the same love and passion that Traditional Muzzleloading and BP shooting has to offer. We all walk this journey together. Stay on here long enough and you'll learn a great deal in a very short time.

We're glad that you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing from you in the very near future!

Welcome Aboard my friend!

Respectfully, Cowboy :hatsoff:
Welcome to the Forum, Chaakra, we are glad to have you here. :hatsoff:

This is a good place for you to learn what you need to know about shooting black powder guns. Ask questions and read previous threads under "Handguns".


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