I've been away for a month and just made a not unexpected discovery on my semi-completed York. Here in S Ontario we get hot, very humid summers and cold dry winters. My gunmaking workshop is in the basement of our house and we have dehumidifiers on constantly in the summer, but even so I was expecting problems. Nothing too serious, but the perfect fit of my breech, completed mid summer, now has a slight gap (the gun was of course stored over the last month with the barrel screwed and pinned in the stock). I may even have to put in a thin coat of bedding resin at the breech. I don't think there's much I can do about this - if I'd done the inlet in the winter I might have reverse problems with wood expansion in the summer. Also I imagine annual shrinkage and expansion will be reduced once I've sealed and finished the wood to reduce moisture exchange.
I have an old violin, we think late 18th/early 19th c, which cracked when my Dad took it from its original home in England to New Zealand (dry), and now in Ontario the crack closes and opens with the seasons! Hoping this doesn't happen with my gun but I guess its all part of the circle of life.
I have an old violin, we think late 18th/early 19th c, which cracked when my Dad took it from its original home in England to New Zealand (dry), and now in Ontario the crack closes and opens with the seasons! Hoping this doesn't happen with my gun but I guess its all part of the circle of life.