Yep, the deer populations in some of the western states have really taken a beating. I've heard quite a few explanations for the reason, including CWD, but haven't gotten a single convincing answer yet. I even asked a state game biologist, and his answer was "We don't know. Could be...." and he proceeded to mention CWD, drought, fires, etc. Probably a combination of alot of things. With low populations comes a draw system. My state has had a deer draw system for about 9 years now.
Elk is a different story. My state has quite a successful elk management story. What was once a rare sight in New Mexico, elk are now thriving in large huntable populations. Nothing like Colorado, but if you follow the newest record book kills, you notice the majority are coming from New Mexico and Arizona. Sooooo, alot of out-of-staters want a chance at one of those record elk, and since non-residents pay waaaay more than residents, the state "elk business" tends to want to have more non-residents successful in the draws. Elk hunting means big money, and with big money comes corruption. There have been different times when the state game dept truly favored non-residents over residents, until concered sportsmen caught them and put a stop to it. The saying was, "Mail your application from Texas, and you're sure to draw". I don't mind taking my chances in a draw, let's just make it curruption free, ok?
But just recently, our new, and much beloved, governer signed a new sportsmen's bill which severly limits the amount of non-resident licenses drawn. Non-residents can only take 8% of the draw, but that only includes buck deer, buck antelope, and bull elk. Only residents can apply for cow elk. YEE HAW! It's about time. If I'm not successful next year, at least it won't be because some out-of-stater got my license.
Our new governer is spending her first year in office undoing all the corruption Bill Richard caused in our state, and this new sportsmen's bill is a step in the right direction. No matter what state you live in, I believe in "residents first".
I hope this sheds a little light on the subject of the draw system. Bill