My wife is awesome. I have a birthday soon, and I am also an amateur radio operator, and there was a "hamfest" last weekend, so we went and decided to get a new radio for the truck (Suburban) with a detachable faceplate so that I can install it nice and get the old one off the dashboard where it was just kinda sitting up there... so, I figure that will be my present, which is fine, it's a great radio, very happy with it.
A while back when I was wrapping up my pistol kit, I had sent her an e-mail listing out several books and videos from Track of the Wolf that I would like for my birthday... knowing I wouldn't have the money to get a kit by then, I figured I'd get the books and have a head start, read them a few times and get all the info soaked in while saving for the kit. (I'm one of these weird guys that actually reads instruction manuals and such before playing with new toys, so this plan is right up my alley.) I listed RAL, Art of Building, Grenville County, Art of Engraving, Carving and Checkering, Gunsmith Tips & Projects, and even listed out a couple of the videos... hoping I might get one or two of them...
Well, after getting the radio, I figured all was done, when I get up this morning and start reading my e-mail, I see an e-mail from Track of the Wolf for a shipping invoice. I say to myself, "I didn't order anything from Track's...", read the e-mail, and the woman has called them up and ordered every book I listed except for The Gunsmith of Grenville County, because they had sold their last copy on the 15th! Not only that... but she paid for 2nd day shipping so they would be here tomorrow!
So... I'll probably have to wait a little longer to get my rifle kit now that we've spent WAY more money this month than I wanted to... (I could have almost gotten the kit I want between the books and the radio!), but it's fine, I now have lots of great reading to do in the interim!
Anyway, I just wanted to share that... and brag a bit. Who knows... maybe she'll want me to build her a gun before too long. She loves shooting as much as I do, she just hasn't been bitten by the muzzleloading bug yet. :redthumb:
A while back when I was wrapping up my pistol kit, I had sent her an e-mail listing out several books and videos from Track of the Wolf that I would like for my birthday... knowing I wouldn't have the money to get a kit by then, I figured I'd get the books and have a head start, read them a few times and get all the info soaked in while saving for the kit. (I'm one of these weird guys that actually reads instruction manuals and such before playing with new toys, so this plan is right up my alley.) I listed RAL, Art of Building, Grenville County, Art of Engraving, Carving and Checkering, Gunsmith Tips & Projects, and even listed out a couple of the videos... hoping I might get one or two of them...
Well, after getting the radio, I figured all was done, when I get up this morning and start reading my e-mail, I see an e-mail from Track of the Wolf for a shipping invoice. I say to myself, "I didn't order anything from Track's...", read the e-mail, and the woman has called them up and ordered every book I listed except for The Gunsmith of Grenville County, because they had sold their last copy on the 15th! Not only that... but she paid for 2nd day shipping so they would be here tomorrow!
So... I'll probably have to wait a little longer to get my rifle kit now that we've spent WAY more money this month than I wanted to... (I could have almost gotten the kit I want between the books and the radio!), but it's fine, I now have lots of great reading to do in the interim!
Anyway, I just wanted to share that... and brag a bit. Who knows... maybe she'll want me to build her a gun before too long. She loves shooting as much as I do, she just hasn't been bitten by the muzzleloading bug yet. :redthumb: