I have a fantastic wife!

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My wife is awesome. I have a birthday soon, and I am also an amateur radio operator, and there was a "hamfest" last weekend, so we went and decided to get a new radio for the truck (Suburban) with a detachable faceplate so that I can install it nice and get the old one off the dashboard where it was just kinda sitting up there... so, I figure that will be my present, which is fine, it's a great radio, very happy with it.

A while back when I was wrapping up my pistol kit, I had sent her an e-mail listing out several books and videos from Track of the Wolf that I would like for my birthday... knowing I wouldn't have the money to get a kit by then, I figured I'd get the books and have a head start, read them a few times and get all the info soaked in while saving for the kit. (I'm one of these weird guys that actually reads instruction manuals and such before playing with new toys, so this plan is right up my alley.) I listed RAL, Art of Building, Grenville County, Art of Engraving, Carving and Checkering, Gunsmith Tips & Projects, and even listed out a couple of the videos... hoping I might get one or two of them...

Well, after getting the radio, I figured all was done, when I get up this morning and start reading my e-mail, I see an e-mail from Track of the Wolf for a shipping invoice. I say to myself, "I didn't order anything from Track's...", read the e-mail, and the woman has called them up and ordered every book I listed except for The Gunsmith of Grenville County, because they had sold their last copy on the 15th! Not only that... but she paid for 2nd day shipping so they would be here tomorrow!

So... I'll probably have to wait a little longer to get my rifle kit now that we've spent WAY more money this month than I wanted to... (I could have almost gotten the kit I want between the books and the radio!), but it's fine, I now have lots of great reading to do in the interim!

Anyway, I just wanted to share that... and brag a bit. Who knows... maybe she'll want me to build her a gun before too long. She loves shooting as much as I do, she just hasn't been bitten by the muzzleloading bug yet. :redthumb:

StaticXD00d sounds like you may be in the market for some roses for that fine woman. If nothing else a dinner out. I too have a good one, Heck I may even keep her a while yet. :crackup: Keep us updated when the building starts.
Yeah, but will she fetch traps? :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
StaticXDOOd I think she want,s you to make two gun,s One flint, one perussion,one for her,one for you. OR, two for you...... :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Now that is a very conciderate wife. And make sure you get her some bug spray for her B/D so she doesn't get bit by the bug. Lord only knows if she gets bit ya will never be able to affod two kit buildin bug bitten people in the same house :crackup:

Congratulation and Happy Birthday !

Thank you sir!

She's not really into the whole building thing... she shows interest in some crafting, but tends to not follow through because she fears screwing it up. Add that to a $800 gun kit, and she'd be afraid to even touch it! LOL

That won't stop her from wanting me to build one for her though... which is cool. We'll see.

As far as fetching traps... I doubt it, she thinks they're cruel. She doesn't have a problem with hunting and killing animals humanely, but snapping a metal trap on a leg and having the animal suffer isn't her cup of tea... she even mentioned it when we watched The Mountain Men a couple of weeks ago... :rolleyes: I, of course, had to remind her it was a FRICKIN' MOVIE fer pete's sake!
but snapping a metal trap on a leg and having the animal suffer

It disturbs me hearing that kind of statement as it does when someone says guns kill.
Both are simply not true.

I once had to give a speech in high school, so i decided to give my speech on leg hold traps.
I set a #2 victor coil spring trap I use for fox traping.
I then delibriately set it on top of the podium and stuck my hand directly into it.
I continued the give my speech with the trap on my hand the entire time while giveing the speech, which lasted 25 minutes.
The trap was not hurt in any way shape or form and neither were any of my fingers or hand.
The only way an animal will suffer is from people not checking their sets in a timely manner. Which is not only illeagal but unethical.
For people who don't think traping is humaine then all i can say is they surely have never seen an animal die a SLOW death from the mange or other diseases.
Traping keeps animals in check the same as hunting does ,and with out it, animals will surely suffer.
Oh by the way i got an A+ on my speech for a grade.

I set a #2 victor coil spring trap I use for fox traping.
I then delibriately set it on top of the podium and stuck my hand directly into it.
I continued the give my speech with the trap on my hand the entire time while giveing the speech, which lasted 25 minutes.

I LIKE IT! There is nothing like a DEMONSTRATION of reality to help it soak in. I used to go checking traps with my older brother when I was kid. I hate to even tell people about it now because of the evil looks I get. :thumbsup:
but snapping a metal trap on a leg and having the animal suffer

I once had to give a speech in high school, so i decided to give my speech on leg hold traps.

I have to make a correction here. If the proper size trap for the target animal is used, it is not a "leg hold" trap! It is a foot hold trap & the jaws catch the animal by the pads of the foot. Too large of a trap catches the animal further up on the leg, causing pain at first, then numbness which allows the animal to chew it's foot off to escape the trap with a mutillated or missing foot. Responsible trappers don't use the wrong size trap for the target animal!

I too have snapped traps on my hands several times in the past & never ended up with broken fingers or even broken skin. The closest to being injured by a trap I've ever come was the time I had a wood stake snap while I was setting a large conibear trap for beaver & my arm went into the trap setting it off. No injuries even then, but by the time I was able to get my arm free it was going numb. These traps are meant to kill the animal(humane death), not just hold it until the trapper returns.

My whole point is that we should be carefull what we say & how we say it. With all the anti-gun/animal-rights propaganda going around, we don't need to help it gain momentum.

Sorry for going on about this, but it really gets me going when people feed right into the propaganda.
:yakyak: :yakyak: :sorry:
It disturbs me hearing that kind of statement as it does when someone says guns kill.
Both are simply not true.

I once had to give a speech in high school, so i decided to give my speech on leg hold traps.
I set a #2 victor coil spring trap I use for fox traping.
I then delibriately set it on top of the podium and stuck my hand directly into it.
I continued the give my speech with the trap on my hand the entire time while giveing the speech, which lasted 25 minutes.
The trap was not hurt in any way shape or form and neither were any of my fingers or hand.
The only way an animal will suffer is from people not checking their sets in a timely manner. Which is not only illeagal but unethical.
For people who don't think traping is humaine then all i can say is they surely have never seen an animal die a SLOW death from the mange or other diseases.
Traping keeps animals in check the same as hunting does ,and with out it, animals will surely suffer.
Oh by the way i got an A+ on my speech for a grade.


Good information, I've never done any trapping so I know nothing about it. I will definitely pass it on. Thanks for the clarification!

Not a problem John
Glad you got some info that you didn't know of. That is what makes this forum so damn great . i think i learn something new every day on here from someones post in one of the forums at this site.
true in that it is appropiately called a foot hold. And a body griping trap is to dispose the animal in a quick method. The slides i use fopr beaver traping connect the trap to a cable or wire that is anchored to an object at the bottom of the water and when they go out or down it slides down the wire and can not come back up the wire or cable thus drowning the animal if not already dead from the trap.
mean while back to the topic. :sorry: Claude
May you have a ball.punn intended,
with your new project and may you be able to have fun with it when finished and enjoy it with that fantastic wife of your too. :thumbsup:

Congrats on all you have.... great wife and new smokepole
