I have grown weary.

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Dec 18, 2018
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Mt. Radon above the Delaware
of the pyro vs. Holy Black debate. I have used both with good results in both a Flintlock and Cap rifles. I have used P-dex crushed to my liking in pans with similar results to B.P. but it got the job done. I have never had a situation where neither had performed as expected. Shot is shot and meat is meat. for some to dismiss it usage outright to me is ignorance . Some may have tried it and had no problems, maybe you should revisit. but when it came down to completing the task t at hand it did its job. in the end clean your implements of hunting. JMHO
The biggest problem in any either or product comparison is confirmation bias. All people smart or not are subject to it. A person, by themself, can’t escape the cycle, even (for the most part) using well thought out and executed experimentation. People tend to design experiments that favor their favored product and tend to analyze the data to favor their favorite product. Even if you are surprised by the results. What you may be finding is that you favor the off product without knowing it. Or perhaps as you personally @sussexmuzllodr, could favor the products as equal. It’s very difficult if impossible to make a truly objective psychology experiment because results are almost useless in choosing a “better” product once all the variables are controlled. In this case, which product pyro or BP is a psychological question because the positives and negatives are quite subjective.
The biggest problem in any either or product comparison is confirmation bias. All people smart or not are subject to it. A person, by themself, can’t escape the cycle, even (for the most part) using well thought out and executed experimentation. People tend to design experiments that favor their favored product and tend to analyze the data to favor their favorite product. Even if you are surprised by the results. What you may be finding is that you favor the off product without knowing it. Or perhaps as you personally @sussexmuzllodr, could favor the products as equal. It’s very difficult if impossible to make a truly objective psychology experiment because results are almost useless in choosing a “better” product once all the variables are controlled. In this case, which product pyro or BP is a psychological question because the positives and negatives are quite subjective.
Psychological? It works for me! Choose your Meds!
Use what you wish to. I’m not using any powder that requires me to clean 6 times in a week and still find rust…..
Many of us have become weary also but there are several who aren't tired enough of the discussion yet. Bear up, it'll end one of these days.
I don't know if it will end or not? Some people would argue with a sign post just for the sake of arguing. I say use what ever you want to and allow the next fellow to use what he likes but neither should condem the other for his choice.
Pyro always worked dandy for me in caplocks, and I used it in them for years. I have not tried it in a flintlock other than to put some pinches of P granulation in a couple of pans. Ignition is about 1 in 5 times in my India flint pistol and maybe 3 of 5 in my Bess. I will have to try crunching some down to a finer granulation and see how it goes. I will actually be thrilled if it works significantly better, as it will give me more powder options in these times of uncertain supply. :thumb:
The biggest problem in any either or product comparison is confirmation bias.,,
,, A person, by themself, can’t escape the cycle, even (for the most part) using well thought out and executed experimentation. People tend to design experiments that favor their favored product and tend to analyze the data to favor their favorite product.
THAT, Is The Truth!!
Thank you so much for making/sharing that post.
People might tweek a bit on your "objective psychology experiment" aspect, but it's the truth.
An old joke;
Pavlov had just finished his experiments dissertation amongst a group of his peer's. Feeling pretty good about it, he walked across the street to a local pub and ordered up a pint. As he sat there enjoying the beverage, the phone rang.
He jumped off the stool, "Oh, Crap,, I forgot! I have to feed the dog!" and hurried out the door,,
It appears that some can not tolerate a difference of opinion, nor an intelligent debate over why another would question their particular choice.
As long as your choice is not potentially harmful to you or others, I really don't see why it's anyone's business what that choice is. Black powder, Pyrodex, Triple Se7en or similar...whatever works for you is the right thing.
I have used both with good results in both a Flintlock and Cap rifles. I have used P-dex crushed to my liking in pans with similar results to B.P. but it got the job done.
Good, learning to adapt and overcome is a good thing.
I never thought is was an argument about use,, just preferance.
There are many out there that are un-able to adapt and struggle with change, using only their previous experience without experiment as reference
I've burned a few pounds of Pdex in the past. I did find in colder weather ignition issues in caplocks, but it worked fine in cap and ball revolvers. I hold no ill will against anyone that uses it. Perhaps I should try it one of the flinters just once to see how it goes.
of the pyro vs. Holy Black debate. I have used both with good results in both a Flintlock and Cap rifles. I have used P-dex crushed to my liking in pans with similar results to B.P. but it got the job done. I have never had a situation where neither had performed as expected. Shot is shot and meat is meat. for some to dismiss it usage outright to me is ignorance . Some may have tried it and had no problems, maybe you should revisit. but when it came down to completing the task t at hand it did its job. in the end clean your implements of hunting. JMHO
Not 100% sure what ‘Holy Black’ is, but guessing you are referring to blackpowder, not 777, Shockey’s stuff or 209. Just hate to assume. With no disrespect, curious what your quantitative data shows, say something like high speed photography or some other measurement method than ‘got the job done’? Personally have done some testing with ‘faster’ speed photography at 60 frames per second, child’s play compared to @Larry Pletcher ‘s 5000 frames per second testing, so opt not to post my ‘data’. Quess I’d call it embarrassing compared to Larry’s data. Would love to see your data do we could end this weary topic. You know what they say about opinions.
I would never say Pyrodex doesn't work. It most certainly does, and I used it fine. It absolutely does rust sooner, and is not as forgiving as real blackpowder.

That said, I will never, ever recommend Pyrodex to anyone for one simple reason. 777 exists. You can find 777 everywhere Pyrodex is sold, and it is superior in every conceivable way.
of the pyro vs. Holy Black debate. I have used both with good results in both a Flintlock and Cap rifles. I have used P-dex crushed to my liking in pans with similar results to B.P. but it got the job done. I have never had a situation where neither had performed as expected. Shot is shot and meat is meat. for some to dismiss it usage outright to me is ignorance . Some may have tried it and had no problems, maybe you should revisit. but when it came down to completing the task t at hand it did its job. in the end clean your implements of hunting. JMHO
Heathen!!!! Heretic!!!!!!!!
Okay, got that out of my system. I feel much better now.


Use what works for ya and ignore the nay sayers. :thumb:
Psychological? It works for me! Choose your Meds!
He wasn't referring specifically to you, he was addressing the argument approach as a whole. He was addressing the subject of comparison and confirmation bias, basically he was addressing why people respond the way they do within certain arguments which leads some to people becoming tired of the whole argument. It wasn't a personal attack.