I might be able to use Teflon patches in an experiment...

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I 'frost' some of my RBs by rolling them between a couple of mill bastard files. With lead it makes them look like mini golf balls & increases the diameter a tad. I should think it would roughen up the surface of those marbles enough to get some traction with the patch(?).

I have seen something similar done to window glass on vehicles with bead-blasting (not sand) equipment for "custom logo" purposes. The strength of the airflow and feed of abrasive can be manipulated for just the right touch. Doing this to a few would let you see if this process is worthwhile. I am only suggesting it because you could get a very controlled effect for consistency. Good Luck!

"When you see the smoke on the wind, look for me."
And wouldn't you know it...the entire set of sand blasting equipment that came with a big 6HP air compressor system I bought years ago sat in the corner unused for so many years I gave it away last year !!
Next time you "Frost" your balls try two pieces of window screen (the metal kind) tacked to two boards. If you make the boards about 8" square you can do a half dozen or so at a time.
Stop by the local stained glass shop. They sell solutions that can be used to etch glass easily. http://www.delphiglass.com/index.cfm?page=itemView&itemsysid=192952

Or if you have a contact at a local university ask them for a small amount of a saturated solution of ammonium bifluoride in methanol. Soak the marbles in that for about 10 minutes and rinse with water. They will be etched.
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:( ...bought three bags of the most aggressive sharp edged crushed gravel that goes in the bottom of acquariums...dumped them into the Dillon case cleaner/tumbler, poured in a few hundred clear glass balls, and after 1.5 hours, the clear glass balls looked charcoal colored like the crushed rocks...it wipes right off and the surfaces of the glass balls are still as smooth as...well...glass. I'll let them run until its time to turn in and see if that makes any difference but I'm not optimistic...
3.5 hours in a the Dillon vibrator/tumbler with sharp acquarium gravel had no effect at all...the smooth balls still came out as smooth as they went in...just dirtier from the gravel and that washes right off with a blast of WD40.
Isn't calcium softer than silica? I think you need to try that with sand, rather than calcium rocks. If you already have some rottenstone, or Pumice, use that in the tumbler to cut the glass. Pumice should work for sure, and The rottenstone should also, since its composed of mainly broken brick, which contains lots of sand in the mix.

Just my $.02. :thumbsup:
Somebody suggested something similar on another forum...that's why I was asking about Teflon patching which would be dry on one side, etc...but the Teflon patching is pretty expensive...the marbles give laser accuracy at 25-30 yds so that'll be fine for my weekend fun shooting at small targets

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