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In-lines every where.

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45 Cal.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
Just got home from my 1/2 day of Black Powder hunting. Went one day early to set up camp and scout around. I saw 3 does leaving one food plot. (Bear in mind, that I have not hunted this area in approx: 20 yrs. It was really good back then)
The state had put in 3 times more roads, but were not maintaing them. Some you could not drive on or thru big holes. Food plots were sparse due to the lack of rain. Water sources were very scarce. Everything else has grown over and you couldn't see past 25 yds. No clearcut areas except the food plots.
There was approx: 20 other hunters camped in the camping area. Some had been there thru the Archery season. They too said they haven't seen that many deer.
Friday night, retired around 9PM. All night hunters kept coming into the camping area. Some were drinking, yelling and shooting off their in-lines.
Saturday morning( opening day) I awoke at 5 AM to get ready to go to my ground blind. I must have heard 10 to 15 shots around camp before legal shooting hours. ( sounded like a small war)
Got to my stand with about 45 minutes before legal shooting time. Heard about 6 shots at legal shooting time, just South of where I was at. As I sat their two hunters came in to my left and one came in to my right. I sat there until approx: 9:30 AM and then left. Got back to camp and decided to pack up, go home and hunt the final weekend on relative's private land in SE part of Oklahoma.
Hope they don't follow me.
Folks like that make me nervous and ruin a good camp experience not to mention the hunt.
the first couple hours of shooting time during the beginning of gun season on public land around here sounds EXACTLY like a running gun battle.

As far as I am able I never go on the weekends. However, tomorrow afternoon I'm gonna try it. I'm thinking that maybe I can use those guys to my advantage and hump farther back into the woods than most are willing to. We'll see.
Already have another hunt set up for this coming weekend. That will be the last weekend of BP season.
Hope this one goes better.
My Lyman GPR will be by my side. Never fails me.
What part of the state were ya hunting at ? hate to here of your bad hunt wish ther was a primitive season for muzzle loaders .inline season for modern hunters . hope your luck runs better next hunt ! keep slingin lead :: :grin:
any advice about the Chickasaw National Recreation Area? I have to visit Oklahoma on business in November and was wondering if I could take a hike with flintlock then.
so what if they use inlines, if its legal in that state, its their right.All thats important is that you are using what you feel good about.

Some like scattering 1,200 rounds in 1 minute with an AK.
I don't bother with the muzzleloading season anymore. The last time I did I'd spent 19 days in the woods between bow hunting and the regular gun season. In those 19 days I saw 1 other hunter.

I went back for muzzleloading season and saw 5 hunters in a day and a half in that same patch of woods. All guys with modern guns who thought they would have the woods to themselves. :rotf:

I really miss muzzleloading season, I used to have the woods all to myself. :haha:
Same thing everywhere but here just about everyone is on a 4 wheeler, running up and down the roads with their N-----s. I still complain about them but it keeps them out of the woods, they think they're hunting and they don't kill many Deer which aren't too many of lately. I hiked back in about a mile and never saw another
person, shot a nice buck, hauled it out still without seeing anyone. I was lucky enough to draw a muzzleloader tag this yr. May not happen again for awhile.
Supercracker said:
the first couple hours of shooting time during the beginning of gun season on public land around here sounds EXACTLY like a running gun battle.

Around here too. I don't hunt anything the first week of regular deer season, just stay out of the woods altogether. Seems that by the end of the first week though most of the one-week-a-year "hunters" have gone home.
Its a shame that the very people that originally pushed for "special" muzzleloading seasons are so disheartened that its not even worth it to them to take advantage of it. Those guys back in the day worked hard convincing Legislators in various states that the limitations of the "primitive" weapons that they were using, not unlike the compound bow, was the justifiable reason to allow such seasons in the first place. I am not against people using inlines, although I detest them personally, Scopes and 200yd accurate rifles have no place in the "PRIMATIVE" season. :nono: :yakyak: Just my 2 cents :idunno:
the inliners don't care about historical value it another deer season to them and you cant make every one think the way you do it is a season given to them by their state sometimes black powder purist are real snobs :v :surrender: my 2cents :thumbsup:
I don't think most of us are snobs, hunt with what you like. Use a sling shot for all I care, as long as your well practiced and stay within your limitations. Most states set up the M/L season for people that wanted to experience a more primitive hunt. Now they just want the revenue generated by the extra people who don't care a whit about the historical aspect of the sport, AKA, inlines. I remember the first compound bow I saw and thinking, why would anyone want to hunt with such a thing, but I never fought to stop anyone from using one. NYBH spent a lot of money trying to keep crossbows out of our state. I kept writing them and trying to get them to accept crossbow hunting, and spend the money keeping them out of bow season. There's room for everyone. there is also a time and place.
Using a cross bow in archery season is like using a 30.06 in muzzeloader season. I don't like inlines or crossbows. To get a handicap crossbow permit here all you have to do is tell a doctor your arm hurts and you can't pull a reg bow back. If a person was really disabled ok but its went way beyond that. The sad thing is that here they use rifles and pump shotguns in muzzeloader season. I hear them every year. Not meant for you Robby was just putting it on the bottom and got beat to the post. :) Larry Wv
It wasn't all that long ago that Colorado had a "primitive" season, allowing only longbow, recurve, and sidelock ml's. I sure wish they'd go back to that.
I truly miss the "old" Primitive Weapon's season here.The deer actually returned to normal for a couple of weeks.Now we have 35 Whelen'ss,45-70's and all that manure.
Just about everyone now has a 45-70 and you can kill antlerless deer on Public Land.Now it's the most crowded time of the year. :shake:
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