National Park Service???
This is about the color guard of the Sons of the American Revolution (SAR), a national organization for the descendants of Revolutionary War veterans. Besides the national, each state has its top organization, and then there are multiple local chapters. The SAR color guard of each chapter is in period dress, and they carry a period musket of one type or another and occasionally fire a salute for certain events.
I am a member of the Colonel Benjamin Cleveland Chapter, Tennessee Society, Sons of the American Revolution. We have approximately 160 members in our local chapter alone, although many are inactive.
Also, there is the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) which is composed of female descendants of Revolutionary War veterans. My wife is a member of the DAR.
Last night I attended our monthly meeting of my local SAR. I asked about the color guard needing insurance. I was told that the National Society of the Sons of the Revolution takes care of that for all the various chapters. Nothing else required.