Interest in Engraving Tutorial?

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40 Cal.
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Hi folks,

There has been some interest in engraving here in the time I have been visiting this forum. I am hot and cold about checking in, but I want to help out as I am able.

Is there interest in an engraving tutorial? I want to offer one, but it would help to know what folks are looking to learn about.

I'm not an expert on period styles of engraving, but I can learn. My strengths are knowing how to sharpen and cut, and lettering, as well as post 1850 designs. I am a full time engraver, the in house guy for Turnbull MFG.,and have been at it since late 1993.

I'm thinking about teaching some basic sharpening, basic cuts, and simple leaf forms, with shading. i would be happy to teach some principles of lettering also.

There are only two things I would ask of the participants; keep asking questions, and be patient with my sometimes erratic schedule.

I'll be checking this thread out to see if there is any interest, and what you all might want help with.

I'm not too uptight a person,( sometimes!) so anyone who wants to participate, or chime in with advice would be welcome.

I use modern tools at work, but am moving back to a simpler tool kit for my own work, so I will try to help beginners get going with as minimal a cash outlay as possible.

take care,

That would be great--sign me up. I have been thinking about trying to learn the basics for a while now. It would be nice to be able to dress up my sideplates, lockplates and screw heads a little. :thumbsup:
Always good to see how the pros do it.I am weak on lettering, but that's largely because I don't practice drawing enough.
I think the basics of selecting a versatile couple of gravers and sharpening along with basic layout and lettering techniques would be the most helpful. These would allow almost anyone with the inclination to try it get started. Doing some more advanced stuff for people like Wick, who already have a good handle on it, would probably round it out nicely.

I've been interested in trying my hand at engraving and carving for a while, but not knowing where to start, and being hesitant to risk wasting my money by buying tools I don't need have held me back. I'd love to see your tutorials!
I, too, am very interested.

I had a Great Grandfather who did damascening on the Waltham watches. I remember seeing an old pocket watch when I was very young that he had worked on. When you opened the cover you saw the face was clear so you could see the gears. Likewise, the back cover popped open and you found the inner back was also clear. There was a small magnifying glass that swung over so you could closely examine the gears. Even the sides of the larger gear teeth had designs.

Thank you for your willingness to share! Yes, I'd certainly be interested in seeing your tutorial.
I've been working at a self taught pace and have a Lousy student it seems :rotf: My kit is self made.

I'd be interested in seeing what can be had from various suppliers, but think some "Home grown"
tooling might be interesting as well?

< my engravers vice/ball is a machine vice on a cut bowling one example>

Respect Always
yes, count me in... i especially like the 'minimal cash outlay' thing, being as congenital cheapskate.

what is the 'basic load' of tool which i would need? i would want to do simple engraving on lockplates, sideplates and trigger guards.

thanks for your most gracious offer!
it would be a big help. I have bought the Lindsay sharpening system (works like a dream) and have been (literally) taking a stab at hammer and chisel engravering. I have a hard time doing strait lines with even depth and width. It's very easy to go to deep. I'd really like to learn how to do some simple borders.

Best regards
