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32 Cal
Sep 7, 2022
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North Carolina
Hello, my name is MrDry from North Carolina. I'm just getting into American Revolution reenacting and I figured this would be a great place and resource for me from people who know a lot more than me. Currently, I have a Navy Arms (Pedersoli) Brown Bess used in the Bicentennial in 1976 and a Pedersoli 1766 French Charleville. Thanks for letting me become a member!
Hello, my name is MrDry from North Carolina. I'm just getting into American Revolution reenacting and I figured this would be a great place and resource for me from people who know a lot more than me. Currently, I have a Navy Arms (Pedersoli) Brown Bess used in the Bicentennial in 1976 and a Pedersoli 1766 French Charleville. Thanks for letting me become a member!
Welcome to the forum. I am relatively new also and have found some good and some ??? information here. But it does seem to be a bunch of good people who seem to be friendly and willing to share their knowledge and experience.
Welcome from Pa.......The two Military muskets you have , are the same early muskets I still have , from the early 1970's. I've hunted with them , shot targets in comp.. Maybe still would shoot them , but they are a little heavy for me to tote around these days. I've built myself a Ped de Vachet , 16 ga. French Indian trade musket , copied from one Kit Ravenshear patterned. Ped de Vachet means Foot of the cow , which refers to the Roman Nose stock shape . The gun is very lightweight , and easily managed...............oldwood
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to getting valuable information
Hello! And welcome! A friend of mine has the Pedersoli Charleville, and he loves it!
I love both of them but I like the Charleville a little better and I can't really tell why. Just a gut feeling I guess.

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