Iowa buck smashed my round ball

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Congratulations on a great deer. Your question about the round ball's performance could be answered like this... at what point in the death of the deer did the ball fail? Nuff said, good job!
Lady-Hawk said:
Thanks everyone.
I did not know that a ball could smash down. I feel a lot better now after reading your posts. When I started out last year, I played with my loads. I use Pyrodex. It was all I could find to buy. I like 70 grains for my max range of 60 yards. I like to hunt close. That is what gets my blood pumping. I only take bow shots at 15 yards or under. Just more fun for me. If I was a good shot like my hubby, it would be fun for me to take long shots:)

My round balls are Hornaday.

The buck ran 70 yards before he went down.

I shot him in Warren County, Iowa. Right in the middle of the state.

Yes, I am very pleased with him. I called him to my stand at 10 yards in October. He just never turned broadside for me.

Thanks again to you all for sharing your knowledge. I do not know anyone that shoots traditional black powder.

Lady Hawk

Lady Hawk, your load, round ball and shot placement are all on target! {pun intended}
If'n you feel the need to change anything try some real black powder. You will find that 70 grains of FFF goex will produce greater velocities and more muzzle energy than an equivilent volume of Pyrodex. Additionally you most probably will experience surer and faster ignitions. In the off season you may want to try Speer brand .490 RB's. Speer, in my experience, tend to be softer lead. I presume less alloy and subsequently expand better giving better energy transference to the deer producing quicker kills.


and I agree, you should tell your story in the hunting forum. I bet its a great one!!
Congrats on the nice buck!!! Like the others have said, I wouldn't change a thing, seems to be working just fine. :hatsoff:

Got him home!
Man that is a fine trophy!! how much did he weigh? BTW I would'nt change anything except to maybe go to Goex, that .490 did it's job.