is it legal to make black powder?

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The question is it legal to make black powder is really not important. He should of asked, is it legal to make GOOD black powder. Which still may be legal, or not, but the modifier “good” does point to the question as to whether you should pertinent. :hmm:
... BUT the batf is an understanding bunch ...

This statement made this whole discussion, ah, ... ah, worthwhile? :shocked2:
Most folks in the pyrotechnic field, hobby or pro, do make their own powder and many have demonstrated that they can make a stronger powder than anything on the market. However, it is not quick nor easy to make and requires a sizable investment in equipment. The powder which IS quick and easy to make is very poor for use in firearms, though often used in pyrotechnics.
Legal or not legal,...I'm sure it is not a safe thing to try!
I have done some research into the idea. I contacted ATF and the supervisor that contacted me informed that YES it is in fact legal to make. However you can not transport it nor give it to anyone nor sell it without the proper paperwork. Since I do not have the land to shoot on and that makes it pointless for me to attempt to make some.

It isn't as hard to do as some would have you believe. A simple rock tumbler and some lead ball will do the trick for small amounts. It's also apprently not as dangerous as some would have you believe IF you follow basic safety precautions. It is however pretty time consuming as in order to make real good powder you also will need to make your own charcoal as I can find no supplier for the correct charcoal. Hardwood charcoal for cooking, softwood for powder, and apparently willow is the best. Also the formula you may have learned in school is not the most powerful formula tho it is the simplest to remember.

In my opinion it just may as well be illegal to make since you can not transport it anywhere.
apatch45 said:
This is probably a rehashed question.... I live in Hardin county Ohio, I see no laws saying you cannot manufacture black powder, but there are laws against explosives. This being said, in the context of what I will use my black powder for, (handgonnes) it is a propellant.... so now I'm not sure what to do. This seems like a fuzzy line in the law. There are 0 places near me that sell black powder, only pyrodex. Please help.

don't bother, just order some from grafs or powder inc. making your own is not a good idea.
After some consideration, I will have to agree with those who advise against making it unless you are willing to actually study and devote time and practice toward making a consistent powder. Unless you are willing to do the above, and spend a bit on equipment, materials, etc, etc up front, and possibly be wrong and lose your investment, you are probably better off just buying it. At least the product you buy will be consistent and consistency translates to accuracy, which is the end goal since the vast majority of us use singleshots anyway.
is it illegal? that would depend on who you ask, but would you like to spend that kind of money on a defense attorney? No way to keep the BATFE from telling you 'sure...' and then having them arrest you later on.

is it advisable?
nope- it's harder than you'd think to do right, and way easier than you think to blow yourself to bits.

just one guy's free opinion, and no doubt well worth the price.
GLAD I looked at this topic or else I might have missed this event. Not far from PJ Ohio..Looks like a road trip for that week-end..Thanks
No problem. Wish they held it in the summer. My folks live less than an hour from there but I can't get away with kids in school, soccer games, etc.

I know you will enjoy yourself, J.D.
for the people who still imply it is illegal

"37. When is a manufacturer’s license required?
A manufacturer’s license is required by persons engaged in the business of manufacturing explosive materials for sale, distribution, or for their own business use. For example, persons engaged in the business of providing a blasting service using explosives of their own manufacture would be required to have a manufacturer’s license. Persons who manufacture explosives for their personal, non-business use are not required to have a manufacturer’s license. However, no person may ship, transport, cause to be transported, or receive explosive materials unless such person holds a license or permit. [27 CFR 555.11: definition of “manufacturer”, 555.41(b)] A separate manufacturer’s license is not required by a licensed manufacturer for the purpose of on-site manufacture, for example, mixing binary explosives or making blasting agents at a quarry or other job site. It is not necessary for a licensed manufacturer to also obtain a dealer’s license to engage in business on his or her licensed premises as a dealer in explosive materials (see also Question 52 and 53) [27 CFR 555.11: definition of “manufacturer”, 555.41(b)(2)]"

From Page 64 "ATF - Federal Explosives Law and Regulations"
Rule,,NO discussion of manufacturing Black Powder,,The original question was IS it legal to make your own.
I have a friend who used to make it, we call him Lefty now, I'll ask him but I'm pretty sure he doesn't recommend it. :grin:
Black Powder is Classified as an Explosive, regardless of application.
It is illegal to manufacture it without the appropriate licenses from the BATF.
If you need powder it can be mail ordered.
You are wrong you can make black powder as long as you not selling it you don't need a license
This is probably a rehashed question.... I live in Hardin county Ohio, I see no laws saying you cannot manufacture black powder, but there are laws against explosives. This being said, in the context of what I will use my black powder for, (handgonnes) it is a propellant.... so now I'm not sure what to do. This seems like a fuzzy line in the law. There are 0 places near me that sell black powder, only pyrodex. Please help.
It's technically illegal to make whiskey, too, at least in quantity, but some still do it! ;)
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