nobody has asked how you get the moose to hold still long enough yet!
Whispering sweet nothings in his ear may work, but I think I'll leave that to the PRO-fessionals.
Stumpy this stuff works great and may replace Ballistol and water for my daily use.
It makes the oils and waxes smear better, giving a more even coating. I tried it with and without based on a suggestion from Superflint and, sure enough, smearing the lube on glass plates showed the witch hazel made it spread more evenly and not tend to bead up as much. Harder to see on steel plates, but it seemed to give the same results.
By the way, the Moose Snot is easier to get. You just need to wait until winter and find a sleeping bull moose. Then, place a bucket quietly in front of his nose, and then take a 16" icicle and gingerly lifting his tail you ...
Well, maybe I better not give up all my secrets.
Oh yes, if you gather up the moose ear wax off the snow on either side of the bucket it makes a good stock rub.
And just how long do you have to gather up all this largess and skeedaddle before said moose returns to earth and seeks to perform a similar maneuver with you as the target this time?
Moose Snot is more of a "grease" - using Beeswax, Castor Oil, and a little Murpy's Oil Soap - a great patch lube. I sometimes add just a little more Beeswax for dipping Paper Musket Cartridges. Fired 41 rounds from .69 Charleville at Range today - no wiping between shots - last round went down almost as easy as the first.
I used to use Olive Oil, but I gotta tell ya that Castor Oil seems to be more better....