I'm setting up the breech plug on a round barrel. It was screwed in tight so I backed it out to apply inletting color ...screwed it back in and it appeared there was no transfer. So I proceeded to remove a little of the tang that butts agains the barrel rear. Screwed it back in and it stopped...but now with a small gap where I removed some of the tang. Backed it out again and ...again...no transfer??? I would think it should act like a giant screw...once any impedence is removed it should screw all the way down upon the shoulder.
I then screwed the plug back in and ran a straight rod down the barrel till it bottomed on the plug face...then clamped into place. Removed the plug and the end of the rod is very slightly ahead of the shoulder...indicating the plug is going all the way in.
Why am I not getting any inletting transfer?? it looks like there is some inletting transfer on one of the last threads...but I thought it needs to transfer to the larger flat area at the bottom. the plug does have a slight bevel if that matters.

I then screwed the plug back in and ran a straight rod down the barrel till it bottomed on the plug face...then clamped into place. Removed the plug and the end of the rod is very slightly ahead of the shoulder...indicating the plug is going all the way in.
Why am I not getting any inletting transfer?? it looks like there is some inletting transfer on one of the last threads...but I thought it needs to transfer to the larger flat area at the bottom. the plug does have a slight bevel if that matters.