Jackalope Hunting

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SSE jackylpoe hunten rates right up ther with a good late night snipe hunt. ::

Cept like Ah says, ye want ta be out thar first thin in the mornin afore the few what still has horns looses um on that last day which Ah wer talkin 'bout.

Last time Ah went out a huntin em Jackalope Ah went 5 days early to scout um out, dont ye know.
Ye'll never believe this but em bucks wer a fighten jus like em Bighorns do. Ye know, a rairin up on thar haunches an a crackin thar heads together!!

Only differense Ah could hear is it didn't make a big Crackin' sound. It wer more of a "POP". Ah guess that are why peoples who hunt um all the time calls the does an the bucks the Mommers an the Poppers!!!!! :: :: :: ::
Well, I went to the DNR website and I didn't find anything about bunny deer or snipes, so pardon my yankee suspicion, boys, but I'm just not buyin it. I'm sure a good taxidermist is responsible for those bunny deer mounts, so just because you got pictures of 'em doesn't necessarily mean they're real. But if anybody had any real pictures of them, that might be a different story, but I guess even those could be touched up. So, I'm just gonna go on shakin my head.

Regards, sse
SSE,.... You come on out here to WY jackalope country, and me'n Ol'Eagle Eye'll take ya hunt'n!! You'll haf'ta do tha car-drive'n tho,.... 'less'n ya like "cheap thrills"!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Ole eagle eye, that ole snipe sniffer?? Only thang he's good fer is an extra source of spit when yer tryin to load with a dry mouth. If I did come out there, you better have a jackalope "honey hole" cuz I wouldn't come all that way just to find that they had a tough winter or moved on fer better forage.

Regards, sse
SSE,.... Well,... I gotta admit, I ain't "seen" any jackalopes fer'a while, and tha last one Ol'Eagle Eye saw put his eyes out!!

.... but,.... ain't either one'a us "heard'em leave" neither, so bring lots'a powder'n ball!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
zonie it would pay off ta do some early season scouten for them critters no doubt.Ever go jackylope shed hunten?Aint as fun as hunten the real critter but gives ya some idear about the ones that may be left for next year :winking:
Snipe huntens fun too,i was taught the old fashion way with just a big bag and a good hand for catchen snipes.No flashlights(snipes are scared of the light)or modern gizmos.On a good dark night i can get a generous amount of snipes and if im lucky i might even get a jackylope if he dont run off too fast.I learned the hard way if you put a jackylope in your snipe bag to make sure his antlers are pointed up towards the top of the bag,ifen you dont they will poke a hole in your snipe bag and yer loose all your snipes walken around the woods.
Also be carefull when snipen on a dark night,them big black kittens with the white stripe runen down ther back get mad when you pull ther tail and they smell bad ::
Ah'l keep at in mind next December 8th. Probobly a million o' um a layin our thar couse tha rest o the yar theys a passel o thin's that look a lot like jack rabbits down thar.

Shor hope ye doesnt thin ole Zonie is a pullin yer leg now bout em Jackalopes or whan Ah tells ye about em Jumpin Cactus ye might not believe me bout em neither.

Speakin o' them black cats wit thar whit strip, ma dad had one fer a pet. Named her Pansy. Bout the most useless pet Ah ever layed eyes on cept on one ocasion.
One time ah door ta door salesmen come up an rung tha bell. Whilst ma dad wer a talkin to um ole Pansy come a walkin out from between his feet headed towards freedom. At salesmen thout he wer needed elsewhere an left 'bout as fast as his feet would carry him.
I dont doubt anything a jackylope is capable of.One second they look like nice fury bunnys and the next second ther a poken a blind mans dogs eyeballs out.
Ther a very mistic and dangours creature ::
Let's not forget the SNOW SHOE JACKALOPES up Alaska way... ::
Ever go jackylope shed hunten?
Now that I would try. Sure would prove once and for all bout these jackalope creatures. If I found a shed or two, or any sign at least, sure wouldn't feel like an idiot during the regular season.

Regards, sse
Jackalopes is good eatin' too.
I have them behind the house here in N.E. Ohio, but they migrate south in the really cold weather. They have been known to jump a six foot fence with ease and absolutely can outrun a muzzle loader ball.
That's why you sneak up on them from behind and take your shot at around 75 yards as if you get closer they will run off for sure.
That reminds me of the time when I had my arm broken pretty bad a couple years ago and it hurt something awful so the doc gave me something called oxycontin (sp?). Well it knocked the pain so I went to the flea market and came home with 32 chickens! Oviously that stuff was affecting my thinking so the wife grounded me. I went for a walk in the woods and felt something follow me and I turned to stare right in the face of a 4 foot tall chicken! :no:
So I walked home real slow and that chicken followed me, I was sceart clear to death that I'd lost my marbles so I yelled for the wife to come get this 4 foot tall chicken away from me.
She came outside saying she'd have me committed for halucinations till she saw the 4 foot tall chicken for herself. :bull:
Turns out it was an ostrich that got away from it's pen!
Honset, ture story! ::
maxi - That's the scary thing about your stories, they're all true. :eek:

Regards, sse
Speak'n'a flea markets,..... Ol'Eagle Eye must'a went to tha chicken-market,...... I swear thet dawg brought fleas home, bigger'n some jackalopes I'd seen 'fore my "sightless affliction"!!

Anyone gotta favorite receipe fer BBQ'd "flea ribs"?? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Found some nice little sheads last yr. make good powder measures and handles for patch knives. Haven't seen a jackalope buck for awhile but I know they're out there cause I see lots of does. :haha:
Musketman them er some biggins,i dont think that one with the bigger rack would even fit in my snip bag ::
SSE you need to get out ther to Rollingbs.I bet old eagle eye could still flush out some jacks if Rolling drags him by the coller far enough into them thar hills.How could you go wrong,the licesance last a lifetime,it says it expires when you do :winking:
SSE: I would hope that You don't think all us upstanding honest to the core folks,would engage in a big bunch of lies!! I don't know about the rest ,but my feelings are a mite hurt!Why You just ask any true Texan,and the'll tell you the same story about the Jackolopes of far west Texas!Ln fact it's known all over the Globe.We have people from Europe waiting in line to hunt thease monsters! I will send You a License for half price $25.00 and guide You free.You only have to purchase Your out of state hunting License for $250.00 but You have to buy that from the Texas DNR. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif :bull: :: ::
Gordy,.... Go find yore own "Su..'er,.."Client", ta take hunt'n!!

Me'n Ol'Eagle Eye, seen SSE "first"!! :: /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif
Hey, I'll go for the Grand Slam, trophy Jack' from three or four of the premier Jack' huntin states!!!!!

Thanks!!!!!! sse
Just a piece of advice for those of you who are lucky(or skilled) enough to fill your tag. If you want to hang your trophy on the wall, but don't want it to protrude into your living space, you could do what I did. I simply went to the city zoo and had their tame stegosauris step on it a few times. That way I could simply put it into a picture frame and hang it on the wall. Backwards.