"Junk Gun"

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Roy said:
Well since its not an aiming gun It shoots just fine :grin: ...

Ah-Ha! This means you have shot it! :grin:

If so, you can answer a question I've had for years.

On these Center Cock Flintlocks with the pan on the top of the barrel, it seems to me it would be almost impossible to not cover the touch hole with the priming.
This, it seems would lead to delayed firing due to the old fuse effect.
Is this true, or is there some magic location for the touch hole that prevents this?? :hmm:

An inquireing mind wants to know. :confused:
I had to shoot it. :grin: The touch hole is at an angle from the center/back of the pan directly to the main charge. So yes the priming does cover the touch hole, but if theres a delay its not much of one. The other things to take into account is that this pistol has a pretty heavy trigger pull, for saftey and because there's no fly. So in no way can it be compared to holding the gun to your cheek as you are keeping your eye on the sights and aimed. Really much more of a jerk/pull belly gun. But it does go off fairly quick. I primed it with 3f, now you have me wondering if I primed it with 4f if it would be slower or faster? hope this helps a bit.

If I wasn't mailing it out to a customer, I'd send it out to you so you could figure out this little mystery. Maybe I'll make another one, but a bit smaller. :grin:
This, it seems would lead to delayed firing due to the old fuse effect.

A question I've wondered about for some time.

I have a few old boxlocks, and they all have the same design - a long touchhole that fills with the priming powder. I guess for a close quarters gun it doesn't matter, but it seems like it would be an easy matter to put in a coned touchhole liner.

You'd still have the ignition burning down through the pile of primer, but one could prime lightly.

But the little ones don't spark well, so you would want to fill the pan to give the few sparks a better chance of lighting it off. Oh well.

Anyhow, has anyone ever seen a boxlock with a touchhole liner?

I have one that was converted to percussion, so in converting it back, I'll just replace the nipple with a liner. When my round toit rolls that far.
See this is where I think using the 3f may make it go off quiker do to the size of the powder will not easily slide down the touch hole.

None of the ones I have seen have had a touch hole liner that I could tell from behind the glass :winking: . I do know that they came in a lot of different sizes. The only ones that I have actually handled are the two I made from kits and this one.

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