How picky are they usually for a walk in at a Juried Rendezvous. There is one a about 3.5 hours away from me with $25,000 in prizes and I haven't heard back from the POC on the flier. My clothes are proper and all my rifles are custom built, and have a smoothie being made right now as well. Also I am not new to rendezvous and competed in them through out the country but all were non-juried.
As folks have said,
a juried event, is one where your gear must comply with their rules. It effects the campers more than the day-trippers, because there is a better chance that a piece of gear doesn't meet the rules, and the rules should be published online, long before the event. A good event, will simply ask if a person has an item that one of the Dog Soldiers questions, please have the historic documentation ready. This helps bring the Dog Soldiers up to date on their knowledge too.
I regularly participate in Pre-1800 juried events. When things get "dinged", it normally means they need to be put away in the tent. Things that commonly get "dinged" are...,
Viking chairs
Modern Musical Instruments ....
Authentic Foods in modern packages....
Stuff that technically is old enough, but how we use it now is not correct...,
Pressure cooking was invented in the 1600's, but this is not what pressure cookers looked like 250 years ago...
This shirt isn't the style, although it might get past the judges, EXCEPT it's polyester...
IF you're going to the trouble to make a shirt or over-shirt that is OK for a Western Fur Trade event..., Don't make it from Suede...
Stuff that the rules often allow, but you will often get the stink-eye from the participants if you don't show some effort to mitigate the item...,
You need glasses to see, OK, but....,
Don't wear a pair like this...
This pair is also not correct, BUT it's much closer to what would be correct, AND it shows you are at least trying....
Finally, ALWAYS REMEMBER, that each and every person can
vote with their feet. Meaning that if an event gets too over regulated, having few if any participants will cause it to die off.