I really detest it when someone misquotes and in this case I have made it clear, the flash rust gets removed - you are making a mountain out of a molehill or trying to. In 10,000 years maybe its an issue.
Yeah, really don't know what I misquoted. Maybe you can actually explain what I did. I'm actually kind of flabbergasted this is an argument. We've got two different methods here. Yours - which according to you leaves rust on the gun. And then there is mine, which as far as I've been able to see, has never left any rust on my guns. If it did, I'd find something else.
I spent 30 years education and getting myself educated on air. You don't have a clue. Granted you are not unusual in your ignorance or your illusions. But then I started my air career on t he pipeline driving trucks they decided that they did not need tanner gas for. Pretty funny coming up on Joe rig in the road stuck because the relief vented and stuck open due to ice.
No one cares about qualifications on the internet, you could be anybody, and so could I.
Why exactly are you bringing up air brake systems? They have little in common with a residential/shop compressor. The largest air reservoirs are generally separate from the compressor, and often up hill so to speak. The ones right at the compressor are way too small to trap water, at least on the ones I've messed with. In our industry, we really only need the very old stuff, so I haven't played with modern systems.
Of course you'd want water mitigation systems in such a situation, the base engineering, mode of operation, and stakes call for it. It has nothing to do with blowing the water off a small gun part. If you want to keep this discussion going, how about we talk about residential air compressors instead of giant industrial ones, or air-brakes.
The answer to a BP pistol cleaning is per 45D, pack it with synthetic grease.
Don't know what this has to do with anything. Maybe it was just an incidental comment.
Seems more like a method to avoid cleaning, which I can get behind. Been waiting for an opportunity for a tub of the stuff to show up on my radar so I can try it. Tubes are everywhere, but a pain to deal with.