There are numerous you tube videos on finishing maple stocks. Whiskering involves wiping a damp cloth over the wood. Let it soak in for 30-60 seconds, then dry the area with a heat gun. This brings small wood fibers up. Sand the fuzzies off with 220 grit sandpaper, then repeat 3-4 times.
After wiskering the wood until no further fibers curl up, then apply aqua fortis as directed. I wait 30-60 seconds, then blush the wood with a heat gun. The transition from a nasty green/gray to a beautiful golden brown is impressive. Be careful with the heat gun as it can scorch edges of the wood. You can apply multiple coats of aqua fortis for a darked color. Remember, many oils, varnish, etc. can make the color a little darker.
Post some pics as you go along.