Kings Mountain Horn

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Here is a horn a friend made for me to commemmorate the Battle of Kings Mountain. I made up the poem and he did everything else. His name is Brian Barker. Heck of a horner.


Inscription reads:
I was at Kings Mountain,Saw Ferguson Fall,If the Rascal Hadn't,I'd sent Another Ball.


Nice, I know theres different styles of horns, is there what would be considered an Eastern style? A style appropriate for New England for 1800 or would any style be appropriate?
Very nice Cooner54. :hatsoff: to Brian on the fine work. :thumbsup:
There are regional differences and they can be dated approximately by decade. I am not a real horn historian but there are several good books out on horns. Dressler has a good book out on horns and it is all color plates for about $100.00 or so but worth every penny. Then there's the one by Madison Grant that has both bags and horns in it. Just kinda got to pick out one that fits your interest and go with that. I like 'em all but am not rich enough yet to collect antique horns. Brian's horns are some of the best and his horns aren't extremely expensive....yet. Here is a Rev War horn that he made for me with a quote that fits me and the Rev. War backwoods rifleman persona that I like to portray sometimes.


This one reads:
No Weapon that is Formed against thee shall Prosper:Isaiah 54:17:Liberty or Death

He aged this one up a bit.
Wow, that's some real craftmanship there, imagine the time he had in those. BTW why do you have an interest in Kings Mountain? Just coincidence or maybe a relative fought there? I have a relative at Cowpens with Pickens. Actually the fellow was one of Picken's neighbors.
Thanks guys. Brian does do great work. He has a booth at the CLA show every year.
I have always had an interest in the Battle of Kings Mountain. The minute men and similar heroes in our history. Francis Marion has been one of my favorite folk heroes since I was a kid. Swamp Fox series from Disney? Maybe. The everyday guys like the minutemen and militia from all over the colonies that fought a tyranical government have been my heroes. Many of their names never made the history books that died for Liberty. Those guys had a lot of sand.
Never visited Kings Mtn altho I've driven by it many times. At Cowpens there is a plaque with the names of most of the Colonial fighters both Morgan's regulars and Pickens militia.