Toss one treat to several chickens, enjoy the show. Same thing happens if you ask about short ranger muskets amoung a buch of dyed in the capote front stuffers.
Middlesex village offers a kirtland short custom officers fusil. It looks like a scaled down 2ed model bess. They have the original a .56 cal short bess sans bayonet lug fitted with a brass sight that they used as a guide. The side plate is a fancy,not trade gun style, dragon a tad bigger then the origial. The wrist is fitted with the acorn, as was the original. The familar swell found onthe forarm. I have heard a lot of good things about MSV and no complaints. I understand them to rework indian guns before selling. This post isnt about good or bad arms makers, though I think the 2ed model bess to be the best looking military arm ever made,I have no use for one. This is about the non-existent but seeming to exist in at least one case ranger musket???
Any way the gun is easy on the eyes, a out of the ordinary fusil, a round peg in our squre hole reinactments.
Middlesex village offers a kirtland short custom officers fusil. It looks like a scaled down 2ed model bess. They have the original a .56 cal short bess sans bayonet lug fitted with a brass sight that they used as a guide. The side plate is a fancy,not trade gun style, dragon a tad bigger then the origial. The wrist is fitted with the acorn, as was the original. The familar swell found onthe forarm. I have heard a lot of good things about MSV and no complaints. I understand them to rework indian guns before selling. This post isnt about good or bad arms makers, though I think the 2ed model bess to be the best looking military arm ever made,I have no use for one. This is about the non-existent but seeming to exist in at least one case ranger musket???
Any way the gun is easy on the eyes, a out of the ordinary fusil, a round peg in our squre hole reinactments.