Knapping gunflints

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Old as Dirt

32 Cal.
Oct 22, 2009
Reaction score
Does anyone out there knap their own gunflints? If so,What sources did you go to to learn?Tempering info would be very helpful also. In our area we have lots of flint and chert and the last time I checked,the traders are asking 2.25 EACH.Also the cost of caps in our area is up to 44.00 per 1000.
There was an article on making gunflints in Muzzle Blasts a few years ago, and I wrote one for On the Trail magazine a few years ago.

There are a ton of flintknapping videos on youtube. Once you figure out how to strike blades off a core, after preparing the core, the rest is easy. Every flintknapping book and many youtube videos show you how to prepare cores and strike blades off.

For somebody without a teacher handy to help you evaluate your stone and give you pointers, it probably takes about 10 hours of trial and eror and a lot of blood loss to become proficient enough to supply your needs.

Always wear safety glasses and wear heavy gloves when preparing pieces for striking off blades.
Also not a bad idea to wear a face mask if knapping indoors or place a fan to blow silica fines away.
Knapping flint for gunlocks or cutting tools is a craft and art that does require blood, sweat and tears - literally. Nothing will bring one to tears quicker than striking the flute off a nearly finished Clovis point and -SNAP!- :shocked2: you're now holding two halves. :(

I've knapped a few things and you really should follow the tips already given. Silicosis is a killer. Knap outdoors with a breeze or a fan blowing away the dust. Wear your eye protection. Keep lotsa Band-Aids close by.....or ante up and just buy the flints. :surrender:

Yep, I knapp my own points for primitive archery, have made a few gunflints....and still buy from Rich. Just sayin'.
theres a few knappers in my trad archery club that I sit down and watch. If you have a trad archery club around you, I would suggest checking them out and if theres some knappers, they'd be more than likely be glad to show you how to get started. The ones I know even give me all their flint shards for F&S kits! :thumbsup:

Don't know anything much about knapping but picked up this piece of hard rock while deer hunting and knocked off a piece and knapped the edges, have about 30 shots on it so far, sparks real good. Wish I knew how to knock of some slices instead of chunks.
Deadeye said:

Don't know anything much about knapping but picked up this piece of hard rock while deer hunting and knocked off a piece and knapped the edges, have about 30 shots on it so far, sparks real good. Wish I knew how to knock of some slices instead of chunks.

Looks like quartz to me. Quartz will spark really well, but is a bit fragile, and a real pain to try and knap "flints" from, at least in my experience.