Knapping your Rifle's Flint

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Jan 3, 2012
Reaction score
Owego, NY
I have never tried to sharpen my flints. Once they appear to stop sparking real well I have always changed them and put on a new one. I have saved the old ones and am getting quite a collection. I was connsidering buying one of the small flint hammers Track sells and try my hand at sharpening them up to reuse them. Anyone do that and if so I am looking for techniques / advice......Thanks.
Thanks -- I searched too but did not just put in knapping. Used how to flint knap, flint knapping and got hundreds of results. Need to hone those search skills I guess..... :surrender:
I started using one of the simple homemade-from a nail devices, and quickly learned I could get good results by tapping the leading edge of the flint with the back of my patch knife.just try it. Hank
A little flintnapping

if you have a table or bench, a flathead screwdriver works great for the task
A greenhorn question please- when flint knapping,is it necessary or usual to have to reposition the whole flint closer to maintain proper contact with the frizzen? And does this usually leave a gap between the flint and the screw?
stormcrow said:
A greenhorn question please- when flint knapping,is it necessary or usual to have to reposition the whole flint closer to maintain proper contact with the frizzen? And does this usually leave a gap between the flint and the screw?

Yes, but this is no problem if one has the flint secured with leather or lead sheet.
58 caliber said:
Thanks -- I searched too but did not just put in knapping. Used how to flint knap, flint knapping and got hundreds of results. Need to hone those search skills I guess..... :surrender:
Your question is perfectly fine.
IMO, there's nothing unique about a 'knapping hammer' fact, I got caught up in ordering one when I first started and ultimately gave it away...a simple brass rod the size of a common #2 lead wooden pencil is far better and simpler to use.
Whatever you decide, DO remember that any impact you make to the hammer is transmitted to the tiny sliver of a groove on the tumbler that the sear is engaged with at half cock.
IMO, its not a bad practice to hold a finger across/under the hammer jaw and apply slight lifting pressure to lighten the impact through the hammer to that tumbler groove.


hey bill

Where did the rods come from??? BTW got my 58 EV the day before christmas eve I plan to post some pix when I go to the range in a few days (after my trigger finger gets healed up)......long story there :shake:
you can find brass or copper scrap suitable for knapping lots of places for free like old brass faucet stems,brass bolts etc. . look around. small parts sunk in a wood handle are good enough to pressure flake.
majg1234 said:
hey bill

Where did the rods come from??? BTW got my 58 EV the day before christmas eve I plan to post some pix when I go to the range in a few days (after my trigger finger gets healed up)......long story there :shake:

It's been so long ago I can't remember...but if you'll just Google variations of brass hex rods you'll get several hits.
Some will be commercial with several tons minimum order...LOL...but somewhere in all that you'll find a place.

I do recall that the minimum length rod I had to buy was 3-4 feet or something like that but they cut it into 6-8" sections for me...made it easier to ship too.

Good deal on the .58cal arriving OK.
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Get a 1/2 - 3/4 inch diameter piece of copper tubing about 6 inches long. Flatten one end about one inch deep in a vice to be used to shear the flint off evenly. Put a copper cap on the other end to be used as a knapping hammer. They work great. ET :thumbsup:
If im loaded ill use the back of my knife. If im unloaded i just bring frizzen up a touch and rock the hammrr back just shy of half cock and let it go. When it strikes the frizzen at a 90 it will knap it for you. This is a really quick way to sharpen up while small gaming. Suppose it could be hard on the frizzen after a long while. Ive been doing it for 2 years and no issues though. If u try it loaded be ready for it to fire. Very likely
I was given a small copper bar and made a screwdriver handle for it. This makes a nice tool that knapps flints and can turn the cock screw for changing them.

The tool handle is 3.75" long and the copper bar is 2" x 1/2" x 5/16". A piece of brass rod works as well. And as roundball says pull the cock back just a bit with the index finger of the other hand so take stress off the sear and notch.
If you're going to be doing this at home get a diamond wheel for your Dremel or drill press. You can touch up the edge or remove the hump in no time.

BUT be sure to wear good eye protection and a dust mask or respirator while you are doing it. The little pieces that come flying off are very sharp and you don't want to get them in your eyes or lungs. I do this out in the garage with a respirator on while wearing both safety glasses and a full face mask. So far, the neighbors haven't said anything.

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