roundball said:CP, it's already beyond just California...other states are already starting down that same slippery slope...NY just announced that they've banned the use of lead bullets for their law enforcement training and practice...and once the slide down that slippery slope begins, it just gathers speed...gets easier and easier for other uses to be banned as well.cowpoke1955 said:Once they get a foot hold they'll expand the ban to the entire state. Since most modern ammo contains lead they will also be outlawed. No more hunting, no more matches, no more recreational shooting.... Since they could not ban the guns, they will ban their use. Glad I left the Republik of Kalifornia.
Heck, if it's not a case of lead being banned outright, the soaring cost of it alone are having an impact...I have completly stopped trap and skeet shooting with modern shotguns...can't (won't) afford $45-$60 for a bag of #9 shot to just burn it up.
The ban only effects DEC officers not all law enforcement in NYS. Scary part is the head of DEC makes up the hunting regulations. When are we gonna quit bitching and start really doing something about it? Hope to God everyone on this forum is registered to vote and actually goes out and votes.