To properly load the rifle, orient the barrel's front sight to true North, NOT magnetic North. You'll need to know Magnetic Declination in your area to determine true North with a compass.
Now, with the ball in the left hand, cross your hand under and around the right hand, which is holding the barrel upright.
Place the ball with its terminal axis and point of deviance aligned 23 degrees off true North (or, if you're a Southpaw, reverse hand positions and place the 11.5 degrees off).
Now, the preponderance of the sprue's radius must be in the Metric Zone of Ballistic Stability of the bore. You'll need a metric pocket calculator and a metric compass for this.
They're available for only $39.95, each, at GatMart. While there, you may wish to purchase a metric watch. They're only $69.95 and well worth the money if you plan to use Metric Time (which you should, cuz it's easier).
When all is aligned with the bore, gently ram the ball down while bodily moving around the barrel so all pressure is even.
The ball should be pushed in a soft-medium-hard motion, rising with each Octimeter. Um ... Octimeter rulers are also available at GatMart ... for only $17.95. Mark each octimeter on your barrel.
With the bore properly loaded, you'll need to magnetically align your percussion cap. Use flint? Aw hell, that's too complicated to explain. Switch to percussion caps, willya? Aligning a flint will drive a person absolutely mad!
Oh, and your target should be 317 degrees relative to your barrel's declinatory ballistic alignment fracatory sublevel.
There now. Wasn't that easy? :haha:
You forgot to cut the patch using Occam's Razor... :crackup: