Lead from diving weights?

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40 Cal.
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
I have some diving weights. I assume they are not pure lead, they clink/ring when I knock them together. Anyone know what kind of alloy they might be?
Based upon my experience as both a SCUBA diver, and longtime bullet caster I can tell you that diving weights are made out of whatever was laying around. I have some I’ve acquired over the years that are good lead, others that are some non-specific alloy, most likely wheel weights.
If they “clink” they aren’t pure lead may be too hard to use for patched roundball shooting. Good soft lead will “ thud”.
Of course, you can always give them a try.
Some folks find wheel weights work just fine.
If they are "ringing" it might be an alloy of zinc "die cast" aka "white metal", or babbitt alloy. You can try melting it down and see how easily it melts. You can also find lead testing kits at some of the hardware warehouse stores to see if it has lead.

It probably will cast larger than all lead, but...,if lead free you have a source for "Kдliforиia Bullets" if the stuff will cast in a mold for you. ;)

After finally breaking down and getting a Lee Hardness kit and testing my lead, I have concluded that my thumbnail test just told me it was lead. Now that I have measured all my current ingots and sorted them from Brinell harness of 5 thru 12, I can see how most of my dive weights were around 9+ None were as soft as the 5BNH sheet lead or "pure" lead ingots I got from people. Going back and thumbnail testing them side by side, I can see that ALL would scratch with my thumb but the softer lead with the same pressure scratches deeper. Some balls I cast 2 years ago for my 54 which I felt was harder to seat, sure enough were 10BNH. I am melting down some old stuff and relegating that stuff to my fishing sinkers.

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