Look at it this way. You are going to have wear on the barrel. Either from scrubbing or from the patch shooting. I would rather have wear from shooting, but my PP is heavily lubed. I lube them and size them after they are wrapped. they look like this.
I have shot maybe 100 rounds so far. If it has extra wear I can't see it. Most of my groups so far are 1 1/2" or less at 100 yards. My best group was .697" at 100 yards.
What are you going to shoot in that Rigby? and are you going to use it for target or hunting? Mine is a .458 Green Mountain 1-18 twist. I have only used it for target so far and love the gun. All I am waiting for is a good tag to use mine for hunting. I am going to take it rabbit hunting soon. A 385 gr bullet shot be enough for those BIG Idaho rabbits :wink: Ron