I have an elk hide that was dyed commercially and is somewhere between yellow and brown. Tried Rit dye remover but met with no success. Any suggestions as how to remove the color from the hide?
J.D. said:I have been told, though I have not tried it, that soaking in alcohol, then squeegee off the leather will remove most of the gold color. A reapplication might be needed to for best effect.
Considering the price of good leather, I suggest using the least damaging method first, then more invasive techniques as needed. For example, using alcohol, then acetone, then bleach. IMHO, bleach will cause the leather to deteriorate, over time.
I don't know how acetone affects leather, but I suspect that removing the chrome salts with alcohol will have fewer lasting effects.
I would try each method on a piece of scrap before using it on a large piece of expensive leather.
God bless