Great bags as i have 3.
They are quality and well-made; but if you look at the 'super authentic' bags being made by the modern craftsmen, the Leathermen are not period authentic, so if you want a good long lasting hunting bag, go Leatherman, if you want a period-authentic bag, go with the custom makers.Anyone on here a bag from The Leatherman? Just wondering about the quality.
That's a sharp looking kit. The buffalo horn is a nice complement to the plains rifle.I have several of his bags, much prefer the leather straps. His woven horn straps are really nice as well.
For fur trade impressions I don’t think the manufactured look is inappropriate at all. Great value for the price.
I use this bag for my two .62 mountain guns. (Won’t say Hawken, since this one just starts fights!!…)
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