In the past, these folks have always seemed more willing to help you comply with the legislation than to persecute you.... "
Quite true , I have been a civil servant for 30 years , one nice part of the job is when a business
runs smoothly and you can brag " WE did something good " :yakyak: legal actions take time and cost money .
The REAL FUN . is to hunt and nail the REAL BUM
and have your action in the newspaper the next day . There is no fun in convicting small people who are just to dumb to comply with legislations
There is one exception : when a promotion is
on the horizon , some inspectors will shoot at anything moving for a few week ! :redface:
Now , about the 100 gallons of beer , believe or not , a man was accused of selling maple syrup
mixed with glucose , as proof the inspectors seized 18 000 litres of falsified maple syrup
and the juge accepted the arguement that it was for personnal use ! :bow:
The inspectors went back to work ,
came again the next year with bills of sales
and finally nailed the guy .