Maxiball - You are right - Alox & it's combination with beewax as in normal high vel lubes by Lyman, Lee and RCBS are designed for smokeless powder. Alox and those mixes don't soften BP fouling like a good black powder lubes does. Lyman makes a good BP lube that is beesewax and some other chemical like neetsfoot oil, vaseline or some type of soap that does soften the BP fouling & it works well.
: A mix of 60% Beeswax, 40% vaseline(or neetsfoot oil) makes a GREAT BP lube, but will work in .45 and .50 cal ctgs., BP or smokeless, right up to 2,000fps.
: Presently, I have, but not tried yet, OxYoke lube for BP ctg. bullets, which is a hardened bore butter-type lube for a lube-sizer. I am certain it will be good. SPL or is it SPG? is another good bullet lube I have used & right now am using the comercial Lyman BP lube which seems to be as good as the homemade beeswax/vaseline lube.
: The requirements of a BP lube are very different than a smokeless lube. Alox is a smokeless lube although some guys do say they get good results with it in BP guns. I can only hope they don't try a real BP lube due to the increased accuracy and reduction of fouling they will get. They are, afterall, in competition with me - perhaps. Being able to shoot 50 rounds without reduced accuracy is what real BP lubes are all about. The NRA and other alox-blend (or solo like Lee) lubes are not BP lubes, & were designed for smokeless powder only.