BTW, is there some reason this thread has not been moved by the moderator to the "Shooting Accessories" forum??
a "Grain" is a measure of weight, not volume.
So, how long ya gonna milk this "I don't know the right answer thing? Ya been doin' that every year for the last 50 years. :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :crackup: :thumbsup:So, are you saying that all the powder measure(s), and load data references, powder articles, graduation scales, etc, which use the term or phrase "grains of powder" for a particular powder charge, are not actually referring to "grains volume" but that those graduations on powder measures are calibrated to represent "grains weight" on a scale??
How'd he get wheat in his ear anawho???????
Better'd he get it out!
Pyrodex is formulated to be bulky enough that a measure that throws, say, 60 grains of FFFg with throw the proper amount of Pyrodex P at that volume setting. If you were to then weigh that amount of Pyrodex it would NOT be 60 grains. If you used FFg instead of FFFg it would NOT be 60 grains, either. It would be something like 55 gr.
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