Looking for Carbon Steel Knife blanks

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70 Cal.
Sep 4, 2004
Reaction score
When I google knife blanks it seems the majority seem to be stainless steel. The carbon blade are few and far between with not much variety. Can anyone suggest an inexpensive web site to find them?
Thanks! Crazy Crow seems to have a little more of what I'm looking for. Forgot about them.
Ragnar's forge has some pretty nice Swedish high carbon skinning blades for scandi-knives. The brand name is Roselli.
If you want a stock bar blank look at Admiral Steel. Not sure if you are asking about an already formed blade or stock to work with.
Never mind after rereading looks like you are looking for a blade. Russell knives sells carbon knives you can slap some handles on.
Thanks, I haven't learned how to make blades yet. Some day maybe. :thumbsup: