Looking for real BP in Houston, TX/group order?

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The Bass Pro shop in Nashville told me that only two store employees had access too Goex black powder....
Day & Night Shift Managers I’m assume..

The other fake stuff is out on the shelf...
Ask to speak too the Store Manager and ask for Goex Black Powder.

Expect too pay a premium price for it there, but for a pound or two, it’s about the same price after you pay the haz-mat fee for shipping..
Funny you mention that, I recall one time had a roommate in the .mil, was going to the store - asked "want me to pick anything up for you?" "Yeah pick up some butter". You can see where this is going, right?
That’s rich. I grew up eating mostly margarine, and my mom just called any spread of that type “butter” so I was real confused when I went out into the world and asked for “butter” and got this hard stick instead of a tub of goop!

I have since learned better. 🤣
I have never seen it on shelves around here, and the current panic buying is making it worse.
Does anyone know of a local supplier, and/or would anyone be interested in splitting a bulk order from Powder.com? I won’t be able to burn 5 pounds on my own in two years.
10ring in Cypress may have bp. I bought a pound of Goex fffg there a few weeks ago. They are the only place in a three county area that carries it that I'm aware of.
Good to know! I’ve bought Pyrodex from them, surprised nobody knew about the black powder, but I guess if it’s that much of a hassle most employees might not even know.
Yeah, you’re DEFINITELY going to have to ask for it. If they know what they have to do, they may even play dumb. Usually, it’s one of the older guys who step up and handle it.
Tambi there is nice lady.

They donate a lot of things to the 4H in Texas.
Tambi is a great person to deal with and they support our education efforts with kids in muzzleloading (see my other thread). Schutzen powder and caps are GTG.
Call Bass Pro in Pearland. When I get in a pinch for BP, I have bought from them. They stock Goex. Kinda fun to go to the gun counter an ask for it, just to see the looks on their faces. Apparently, it is locked up in a separate building and they have to go a ways and jump through a couple of hoops to get to it. 🤣
I just went there the other day and they said they have BEEN out. 😒

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