Dear Sir,
If you will accept 85.00, I will take it. If you are willing, please PM me and we will work out the details.
Thank you,
(I deleted the e-mail address and changed the post to say PM me.
Giving a e-mail address on a public forum is dangerous. Not only does the entire world now have it but there are some that would use it to e-mail the person telling Dave "it's a deal. send your $85 to me and the lock is yours."
It's only after Dave doesn't get anything for his money that he realizes he's been robbed.
Folks: Please do not put personal information in your posts. Use the Private Message system to convay private information. Also, by using the Forum PM's you know the person who got the message is the one you want to talk to. No one else can see the PM so no one else can rip you off.
Zonie )