Actually, deer can see color, and have the receptors in their retina. They don't have as many as the human eye does, and don't see color in the same level of light that we do. We can see color in poorer light. Actually Red is not better, and the reason we use Blaze Orange is there is a large percentage of the population who are color blind to the color " Red ". Blaze orange can be seen even by these people. The purpose of those hated regulations is to save your life.
Many years ago, Arkansas did an experiment with volunteer hunters. Half the group wore traditional camo clothing. The other half work camo/blaze orange. The success rate for both groups of turkey hunters was the same. Similar studies have been done with deer hunters. There is no showing that blaze orange spooks deer, or that they can see it better than other colors, or react to it. What deer react to is movement, and odors. In farm areas, they don't even react to odors, as they are used to the smell of people and don't associate it with danger.
Please wear blaze orange. If you are an archer during those seasons, and are permitted to wear camo the entire time, please take along a blaze orange bandana, or hat, or voyageurs's wool cap, or something that you can either wear, or rap around that deer carcass you are dragging out of the woods. The life you save will be your own.
I have been shot at during deer season, when I was wearing a lot of blaze orange. The criminal assault occurred from across a river, and the man was shooting at me with a high powered rifle. I suspect he was drunk, and was trying to see if he could hit me at that range. I fired a couple of shotgun slugs back at him, and he ran off. I went home in one piece. I don't want to ever be a target for a criminal again, and I certainly don't want to be accidental target for some jerk shooting at movement. Blaze orange works, and save lives. The data is unquestionable in this regard.
As for spooking game, I had a young buck come up to me when I was dressed in a blaze orange insulated coverall and blaze orang voyageurs hat, and only stopped when he got within 6 feet of me. I also have had squirrels run over my shoes when I was stretched out on a deadfall tree trying to get my back to quit aching, while dressed in blaze orange. Again, movement will spook game, and cause small animals to make alert calls. Learn to sit still and you will see much more game, and get your fair share of close shots.