Makin' leggin's ???

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Sep 29, 2005
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I have a nice big pig skin that I want to use to make a new pair of leggin's. Which direction is best for cutting the patterns out? Do I want the legs running parallel to the spine of the hog or perpendicular? In other words, do I want the stretch to go along my leg or around?
Too many patterns to pick one for ya, but I'd run the stretch along the leg.
If you wrap the stretch around then you may find them getting too big in short order. :idunno:
Jethro224 said:
I have a nice big pig skin that I want to use to make a new pair of leggin's. Which direction is best for cutting the patterns out? Do I want the legs running parallel to the spine of the hog or perpendicular? In other words, do I want the stretch to go along my leg or around?
Jefro, cut the hide from neck to tail, sames it lays on the hog. :thumbsup:
Jethro224 said:
I have a nice big pig skin that I want to use to make a new pair of leggin's. Which direction is best for cutting the patterns out? Do I want the legs running parallel to the spine of the hog or perpendicular? In other words, do I want the stretch to go along my leg or around?

Head to the ankle and the tail to your tail....
Thanks guys. :hatsoff:
Since the hide is big enough to do 'em either way I figgered I might as well do it right.
Get some newspaper and some spandex,Wear the spandex, and use the newspaper to make a parttern around your upper legs. to get a good fit.
Another way of fitting. Make a paper or cloth pattern a tad oversized. Wrap around your leg like you want them to fit, then have someone staple them together. Remove and sew.
Hey Jethro224,

How tough is that pig skin? We've got this plant up here called devil's club in our spruce forests that pokes right through most pants, and you don't even want to think about hitting it with your hand. Those spines you see in the photo I linked can be over half an inch long and go end to end on the plants. Devil's club can be head high and so thick you have to push your way through it.

I'm thinking I need leather "gloves" for my legs, along the lines of what I have to wear on my hands.
Wick Ellerbe said:
Another way of fitting. Make a paper or cloth pattern a tad oversized. Wrap around your leg like you want them to fit, then have someone staple them together. Remove and sew.

That's exactly how I made my last pair. :thumbsup:

I've never seen that Devil's Club around here and I'm thankful. Looks like a thistle with an attitude problem... on steroids!
All I have to deal with are regular thistles, nettles, multiflora rose, raspberry brambles, and locust trees. Those can be plenty nasty to try and walk thru.
This will be my first pair of pigskin leggin's so I can't really say for sure how tough they are. The leather does seem to be a bit tougher than the same thickness of cowhide tho. :idunno:
Jethro224 said:
This will be my first pair of pigskin leggin's so I can't really say for sure how tough they are. The leather does seem to be a bit tougher than the same thickness of cowhide tho. :idunno:

Thanks for the feedback. Let us know how they perform in the tough stuff.

I use commercial pig leather liner all the time on leather projects, but it's shaved pretty thin. I still have a piece of javelina leather that's a bunch thicker and more pliable, and that's what I'm picturing you have. From what I can guess it would be really tough yet breath better than lots of other leathers.
since we're talkin' leggins' you folks have a problem getting your tightly fitted leggins off at the end of the day? I'm talking about after a long day/night of rendezvousing after you have managed to stumble back to your camp. I have a heckuva time sliding them off some nights/mornings.
I don't have any experience with leggings, but I've had it happen after a long day in the woods with Kevlar chainsaw safety chaps and after a long day squeezing a horse with leather chaps.
fiddler said:
since we're talkin' leggins' you folks have a problem getting your tightly fitted leggins off at the end of the day? I'm talking about after a long day/night of rendezvousing after you have managed to stumble back to your camp. I have a heckuva time sliding them off some nights/mornings.

:hmm: Might be 'cause yer drunk. :wink:
Just take another pull on the jug so ya don't notice so much and leave 'em on.

Works for me anyway. :haha:

Yep, I have had my legs swell noticeably after a day of runnin' around all over a rendezvous.
BrownBear said:
Thanks for the feedback. Let us know how they perform in the tough stuff.

I use commercial pig leather liner all the time on leather projects, but it's shaved pretty thin. I still have a piece of javelina leather that's a bunch thicker and more pliable, and that's what I'm picturing you have. From what I can guess it would be really tough yet breath better than lots of other leathers.

This hide is about dime thickness. Pretty flexible. I wondered, too, if it would breath better than cowhide.
fiddler said:
since we're talkin' leggins' you folks have a problem getting your tightly fitted leggins off at the end of the day? I'm talking about after a long day/night of rendezvousing after you have managed to stumble back to your camp. I have a heckuva time sliding them off some nights/mornings.

You take yours off????? :shocked2: :shocked2: :shocked2:
Jethro224 said:
This hide is about dime thickness. Pretty flexible. I wondered, too, if it would breath better than cowhide.

Hmph. I was expecting it to be thicker, cuzz the piece of javelina I have is about as thick as two nickels stacked, to "coin" a phrase. :) It's from the collar on the shoulders, so it just may be naturally thicker in that area of a hide. BTW- "dime" thick is a pretty close description of the pigskin lining I buy, but it's stiffer than deer or elk. Almost "papery."

Ah man, I better quit now, cuzz I've plum run out of adjectives! :rotf:

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