I have a grill with folding legs that puts it about 8 inches off the ground, or whatever surface. The grill is about 1 foot by 18 inches in rectangular shape. It goes with me to rendizvous, and primitive camps. I also use fire pits, and trenches, because I can put out the fire, and roll back the sod, and wet it all down, to restore the ground cover to what it was when I arrived. I a week or two- less if it rains well- you can find where the fire pit was located. In fact, my " grill " has seen more use as a trivet- holding hot pots and pans off the fire place, than use as an actual grill. Check the catalogues of the suppliers. to see if they don't have something that does it for you. I found mine at Friendship, and bought it there, from some dealer. I have also seen guys use steel grates, with various sized holes, that they pick up in junk yards, and scrap yards for pennies, for their grills. The lay out aluminum foil if they want to cook directly on the grill, rather than heat a separate pan, but it works. Cut the grates to the size you want to haul around.