Offhand, I can think of any number of obscene/abusive/racist "names" that I'd prefer to be called, rather than "Democrat", "Marxist" and/or "Leftist".
(I was a career soldier & I've heard "all the words" many times. = Rudyard Kipling was 100% correct about soldiers & swearing.)
As a career LEO/investigator (now retired), I'm little offended by having been called a "pig" many times over 3 decades. = Pigs traditionally cleaned the garbage off the streets & I removed lots of "human garbage" from FREE SOCIETY to a "more secure location".
Speaking of meat & potatoes, do any of you have an "old-time recipe" for SOPA DEL REY, that is devoid of "modern" ingredients that wouldn't have been available in early Texas/Mexico??
don't overlook sweet taters (yellow my favorite veggy) in a DO with smoked ham, raccoon or yes - even mr. possum. add quartered sweet onion, hard winter squash chunks or pumpkin.
lay few strips bacon atop the raccoon as it's usually fairly lean. liberally sprinkle with salt/pepper, maybe even add a dryed hot pepper. :stir: