Bingo! Using the Google route took me to the correct order page. Thanks @Notchy Bob and Gunny!
I now have 500 round balls on order at a big savings and free delivery!
I now have 500 round balls on order at a big savings and free delivery!
Great! This whole thing was about to make me look like an ass if it didn't work.Bingo! Using the Google route took me to the correct order page. Thanks @Notchy Bob and Gunny!
I now have 500 round balls on order at a big savings and free delivery!
They work great in my T/C PA Hunter with a 1-66 twist, I've heard that's what they were originally designed for.Have you tried these? I saw they are supposed to be for slow twist.
Great! This whole thing was about to make me look like an ass if it didn't work.