Anybody use or used the mink oil tallow that TotW has for lube on their patches? Good or bad? How many patches will a 8 Oz tin be able to lube? Thank you!
I started using it as per BrownBear's recommendation and it's worked great for me. What I like about it is that it works equally well if it's 80 degrees outside or zero. I started out with Bore Butter, which is fine when it's warm but turns into a brick when it's even slightly cold out. I think I've fired over 500 shots since I started using the mink oil tallow and still have about 20% of my first tin left.
Wish I could help but I haven't tried the TOW lube I bought some time back yet. I also bought some Old Zip from Dixie Gun Works at the same time to try too. From the feel I would guess either would do the job equally well and it looks like a tin would last quite a while.
I use it when I go hunting and find it good, other than it smells sour as I have had the tin for some years. I will certainly buy another tin when needed, it will lube lots of patches, that is all I can say.
I got some from ToTW & it works fine. However, it doesn't really work any better or worse than the 200 year old tallow + beeswax recipe handed down to me from an old guy whose forbears used the same recipe in bygone days.
OK I have a tin because I heard this is good stuff (especially during winter months). But for a newbie how do you apply it to the patch? Just rub some in with fingers or drag patch across it?