Mink oil tallow

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36 Cal.
Aug 16, 2017
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Anybody use or used the mink oil tallow that TotW has for lube on their patches? Good or bad? How many patches will a 8 Oz tin be able to lube? Thank you!
I started using it as per BrownBear's recommendation and it's worked great for me. What I like about it is that it works equally well if it's 80 degrees outside or zero. I started out with Bore Butter, which is fine when it's warm but turns into a brick when it's even slightly cold out. I think I've fired over 500 shots since I started using the mink oil tallow and still have about 20% of my first tin left.
Wish I could help but I haven't tried the TOW lube I bought some time back yet. I also bought some Old Zip from Dixie Gun Works at the same time to try too. From the feel I would guess either would do the job equally well and it looks like a tin would last quite a while.
Its the only patch lube that I will use when hunting, and I have several tins on hand at all times.
I use it when I go hunting and find it good, other than it smells sour as I have had the tin for some years. I will certainly buy another tin when needed, it will lube lots of patches, that is all I can say.
Awesome! Thank you all for your replies and knowledge. Adding a couple of tins to my next order!
I got some from ToTW & it works fine. However, it doesn't really work any better or worse than the 200 year old tallow + beeswax recipe handed down to me from an old guy whose forbears used the same recipe in bygone days.
What does it take to remove the bees wax from the bore?

I don't think warm soapy water will cut it.....will it?
Been using it for years on my own cast maxi-balls, use Mr. Flintlocks on patched balls, however.

just my $00.2 cents worth
OK I have a tin because I heard this is good stuff (especially during winter months). But for a newbie how do you apply it to the patch? Just rub some in with fingers or drag patch across it?

Thanks in advance

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