ML round ball bench postal?

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This past week end we had snow, and wind up to 50mph that made a wind chill factor of -25F. So, haven't forgotten about setting this match up, but is sure as heck is going to be a lot warmer before we get this started. Use to have to be out in such weather when I was a Game Warden for the State. Didn't seem to mind it when I was younger, as I've gotten older, I hope I am wiser. At the time must have had frozen brain syndrome. You all take care and stay warm if you live in the frigid areas of our nation.
To keep the cost to a minimum for targets, we supply our own. Use the 6bull for 50yd and the standard single bull for 100yd.
The whole postal will basically operate on the honor system. Shoot one postal target for 50yd and one for 100yd. It would be easy to probably shoot until you get the best target and submit that. Each shooter on his own will mark prior to shooting his postal target which one will be used for the match. Each shooter submit their score, and is everyone able to post a pic of their target?
Again keeping cost to the bare minimum for the matches. Enough for this for now. let me know.
I think it would depend on if we are shooting for a score or a group size. If we are shooting for a score everybody would have to shoot the same target. If we are shooting for a group size, it wouldn’t matter what target you shot.
Guess the original intent was to shoot similar to matches that are held by state organizations or NMLRA. 50 yd is shot for score on a 6bull target, one bull is for sighter. 100yd is shot for score as well on a single bull.
OK, for targets we will shoot the same as at regular BP ML shoots, using the NMLRA 50yd(6bull) and 100yd single bull. IF you don't have them or are not wanting to buy them, then have targets that will have the same dimensions as the NMLRA targets. The 6 bull X-ring is .4" die, 10ring dia .9" ring going out from there are .5" width, going out to a 5 ring. The 100yd X-ring is 1", 10 ring 2"diameter. rings going out to 5 ring are 1" in width. Over the years I have been very satisfied with targets from American Target Company, they are printed on a heavy card stock, reasonably priced and low shipping rates. Dimensions are as specified by NMLRA.
I'm out. Would like to participate but I generally don't buy targets. My range has some standard NRA rifle targets I get when I forget to bring something, would that work? (I'm pretty sure they have the 50 yard smallbore and 100 yard rifle available for .30 each. And yes, I am a cheap skate.)

TBH I have not even been to the range since august. I had some personal issues that prevented me from going and have not made it back. If I can use the NRA standard targets for either I'll have an excuse to dust off the old caplock!
I'll be in for the 50. Can't shoot 100 at my place.
As for blowing notions, just watch or read the scores for the Buffalo (X-stick) and light bench matches at Friendship. Not unusual for the range officer to be called to verify a (seeming) one hole group really has five shots in it. That's why more than one bull is now on many targets.
I would be great shooting 5- one hole groups. I need to practice if I hope to keep up halfway with most people anymore. I'm working on it.
Shall we try for a starting month of April, submit your scores by the end of the month. Just let me know at what distance you shot your target. Would it be easiest to send result on the private message?
I’m interested in this match also.:) Dixie gun works has both of these targets, the 6 bull 50 yd and single bull 100yd. Lesser quality but still properly sized and only $8.50 pre 100 targets. Item # ea8100 and ea8200.
Those targets from Dixie Gun Works are pretty cheap. If you can’t afford $.17 a month you shouldn’t be shooting.
Absolutely! .17 per month .. Oh wait, counting shipping that's $14.95 up front.. Sure I can afford that, but not really with cost of powder and shot as well as other stuff I have going on so I guess I shouldn't be shooting. I generally don't participate in the monthly matches with the local club cause I cant afford the $10 shooting fee.No problem, I'll bow out and go learn to knit. Oh wait, that cost money too.. I guess Ill go out back n whittle off the tree..:mad:
Is there still the interest in starting the postals in April? Reason I had mentioned sending your results to me on a private message is to prevent lots of messages on forum. I would compile our scores and then make a single post of the monthly results. Will that work for you all?

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