Mod of Stumpkiller moose juice

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40 Cal.
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Mixed up some lube and cleaner this weekend using the Stumpkiller recipe for Moose snot and Moose milk. Being the aging hippie liberal that I am, I couldn't help modifying the recipe a bit by adding a few drops of patchouli oil to the lube. :peace:
How did it turn out? Great is the answer. I'm still partial to the smell of TC bore butter, but Stumpkiller's recipe looks like great stuff. It is real easy to cook up. I've got a bunch of patches greased and my ball board is loaded and ready for shooting. Hope to get out and see how the homemade lube works in my hawken this weekend.
Well now, if you're gonna add hippie seasonings we could get into Stumpy's Peyote Moose Milk and Body Rub. Trouble with that was the balls would stop half-way and be smellin flowers and making sand paintings with the bunnies. I had to discontinue the line.

Stinkin up my good hunting lube! I was looking for something that didn't smell like Ben Gay when I set out. :crackup: Now toss in some Old Bay seasoning or some Mesquite and you might have something.
Hey Stumpy, why not add doe-in-heat to the mix? :)

Patch lube and deer scent, all in one...
Yea, then ya won't even have to aim the gun. just pull the trigger and the bucks will all run right in front of the rd ball. :crackup: :crackup:
Hey Stumpy, why not add doe-in-heat to the mix? :)

Patch lube and deer scent, all in one...

That might not be a good idea.
There is a member of this Forum who has been known to stick doe-in-heat urine into his nose while sitting on his tree chair.

The real irony is he has a name very similar to the name of the guy who posted the above suggestion.
You don't think that stuff is addictive, do you? :crackup:
might not be a bad idea ,just hang your patches or strips around your blind and if you have to track in a hurry just pull it off the hanger and load :crackup: :crackup: ::
But seriously Dudes, this past weekend, I did get out to shoot with the patches greased with the Stumpkiller lube. I have been swabbing between shots with pyrodex. some Goex BP now and it was cold this past weekend, so I didn't swab at all, trying to save some time and see how it would go without swabbing. Shot 34 times with a variety of BP loads, but all with Stumpkiller Moose Snot. Loading was smooth every time and my groups got smaller the more I shot. I may never swab between shots again. The homebrew/homemade projects of this muzzleloading life are great fun. Thanks to all on the forum for the recipes and info. :peace: