Montana has a muzzle loader season

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40 Cal.
Mar 24, 2014
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Good news, the Montana legislature has passed and the governor has signed a law creating a muzzle loader season for the state.

It is kinda late in the year-2 weeks after regular hunting season ends the Sunday after Thanksgiving. So mid December in Montana.

Iron sights, .45 caliber or larger, matchlock, flintlock or percussion. No inlines, no scopes.

Not sure if it will be in effect this year or if we still have to wait until 2022.
I don't know how others might feel but I use nothing but a flintlock in every season whether regular rifle or muzzleloader, and for any and all game I hunt. Never did I feel at a disadvantage and my success rate was as good as I wanted it to be. Scopes and repeaters never made me wish I carried something else other than a muzzleloader.
Was it illegal to use a front stuffer before or did this law create an exclusive season?
I don't know how others might feel but I use nothing but a flintlock in every season whether regular rifle or muzzleloader, and for any and all game I hunt. Never did I feel at a disadvantage and my success rate was as good as I wanted it to be. Scopes and repeaters never made me wish I carried something else other than a muzzleloader.
Yes, me too if i'm forced to hunt the rifle season because I can't get a muzzleloader tag. I only own one Hawken and no other guns, so I don't have any choice anyway. However, I did plan it that way.
Unfortunately the season was not created through normal legislative procedure through the MFW&P so it may or may not hold up if challenged. Not so sure it was needed anyway as I can use my old timey front stuffers in any general rifle season. I am GLAD to see the excluded the inlines etc. Things are getting
out of hand with pressure on our critters in MT and WY.
Unfortunately the season was not created through normal legislative procedure through the MFW&P so it may or may not hold up if challenged.

I thought a ML season sounded odd as I did a report in 2016 that had MT ML requirements listed.

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