moose snot +acrylic paint

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Bill Bounds

40 Cal.
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Here's an un-intended use for moose snot.
I couldn't find anything to use in the shop while inletting a barrel. I seen a container of acrylic arts and craft paint to wipe on the bottom of the barrel but it dried real quick. I couldn't think of anything to keep it from drying then spyed the little container of snot. put some of that in a little container and mixed in some paint. Well, it worked pretty slick . can be a mess if ya get it where it ain't supposed to be. but it works in a pinch. Some's on the bottom of the barrel after a few days and is still transferring to my hands when i pick up the barrel. sort of like gooey crayon. bright blue grease. Washes off your hands with soap and water.
LOL! Is there nothing it can't do?

I think it was Bill of the 45th Parallel that was buying a load of fixins and the cashier turned out to be a muzzleloader (and a Red Haired Wench ::).

Paint retarder, social energizer and patch lube. Not bad. :redthumb:

Gotta get me a wagon and I can go to the rendezvous as a medicine show.
LOL Zonie
Prep-H has shark oil in it so I suppose it would make a good lube. Try it and let us know. ROFL

Preparation H: Watch out!! You've got some REAL competition now!!! :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

Zonie is old enough to remember using Preparation A thru G... :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
Zonie is old enough to remember using Preparation A thru G... "

Ya, Ah ait some O them, but fer all the good thay done, I should'a shoved it up my .......... :shocking: :shocking: