Thank you Notchy Bob. I built the rifle myself from a Chambers York rifle kit. Its pretty simple. I didn't do any carving or inlays. I wanted it to be what I believe would have been more of an average persons gun would be. I imagine myself in that time period I would have worked and saved for a rifle over a smooth bore or trade gun, but wouldn't have been able to afford or need the fancy extras. I did add the patch box. My good friend Allen Wyatt drew out the pattern for me then I cut it out of a simple patch box kit and fit it into the stock. It is a .40 cal with a 42in Rice barrel. I love shooting it and it is really accurate. Last weekend I was testing out some loads and ended the day shooting a 3 shot group at 75yds that measured 1.4 inches center to center. Needless to say i was very pleased. As far as bobcats go, I have had several encounters over the years. I have killed at least 4 with modern guns while deer hunting. Seen a few more while bow hunting. I had one jump onto the log I was sitting against when I was turkey hunting. I had been calling and I heard something walking on the log to my right and I turned my head thinking it was a squirrel and looked into the eyes of the cat at about 4ft away. He changed his mind about breakfast and I almost had to change my drawers!@T Gregory ,
I'm sorry I neglected to mention this previously... got distracted by the armadillo discussion... but that is a really pretty rifle in the photo. Did you build it? What can you tell us about it?
The bobcat sighting was interesting, too. I've always spent as much time rambling in the woods as I could, and I see bobcat droppings pretty often (usually right in the middle of the trail...), but I've only seen wild live bobcats three time in my life. The first was similar to your recent experience. I was squirrel hunting with my dad 60+ years ago and we saw one trotting along through a little opening in the woods. The second was maybe 10 years ago, when I saw one on a riverbank, taking a drink. I was in my solo canoe at the time. The third was not too long ago, when I was out for a morning hike with my wife and our dogs. A bobcat crossed the trail a little way ahead of us. Oddly, the dogs didn't see it, but they sure did get interested when they crossed its scent trail!
Sorry about rambling on. Anything you would like to share concerning that rifle would be welcome.
Notchy Bob