Mule ear percussion lock

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The Mule Ear article is in January 1990 Muzzle Blasts.

It has the main spring mounted on the outside of the lock, and has a half cock.
To Olie, BS and Metalshaper, thanks
Going through my old literature I found a '94 edition of Black Powder Hobby Gunsmithing by Fadala and Dale Story. I think that that's what started me on the Mules Ear quest years ago. Is Dale Story still with us, Does he still make kits, Is someone else taking over. Where might I contact him? Doug
BS said:
The Mule Ear article is in January 1990 Muzzle Blasts.

It has the main spring mounted on the outside of the lock, and has a half cock.

I contacted Muzzle Blasts, and this was there reply:

Hi Bruce, yes we have a copy of the Jan 1990 issue of Muzzle Blasts. The
cost is $1.50. We can send you the issue with an invoice and bill you for it
if you would like. Let me know if you want it.
[email protected]
sdakotadoug said:
To Olie, BS and Metalshaper, thanks
Going through my old literature I found a '94 edition of Black Powder Hobby Gunsmithing by Fadala and Dale Story. I think that that's what started me on the Mules Ear quest years ago. Is Dale Story still with us, Does he still make kits, Is someone else taking over. Where might I contact him? Doug

Check my earlier post on this thread regarding Pioneer Arms. The mule ear that Bernie makes is as close as you'll find to Storey's lock. Don't think Storey's producing his own any longer.
The mule ear that Bernie makes is as close as you'll find to Storey's lock. Don't think Storey's producing his own any longer.>>

I beleive Bernie/Pioneer Arms is the company that Storey sold the rights to, when he retired from lock making. So in all probablilty,, the are PA improved..Storey lock.!

Respect Always

< Heck I must be doing something wrong.. I just make my own? :rotf: >
Wow the access to information is incredible, thanks for all the input. The goal is to build a mule ear with the the most self made parts I can handle with all the help and input I can get. The current thought is form an old book showing assembly of a Story/coil spring lock. I'll post as the project progresses. Thanks again. Doug
sdakotadoug said:
Wow the access to information is incredible, thanks for all the input. The goal is to build a mule ear with the the most self made parts I can handle with all the help and input I can get. The current thought is form an old book showing assembly of a Story/coil spring lock. I'll post as the project progresses. Thanks again. Doug

Be sure to get the back issue of Muzzle Blasts:

Hi, yes we have a copy of the Jan 1990 issue of Muzzle Blasts. The
cost is $1.50. We can send you the issue with an invoice and bill you for it
if you would like. Let me know if you want it.
[email protected]

They have a simple home made Mule Ear article. I would copy and post the picture, but the book is still available. :grin:
The mule ear lock project is slowly ramping up. Current thoughts are to start with 1/8th inch low carbon steel and silver sodder on another 1/8th inch pieces to make up the thickness needed for the hammer pivot pin and other protrusions. We're going to do a rough mock up, something of a pistol type thing with a 8 inch barrel and something of a grip to work out the mechanics of the mule ear, the nipple the trigger etc. Any thoughts or ideas, Doug
Olie said:

I am Olie. I like side-slappers and under-hammer actions. I make the ones that I use.

I know that you can make a side-slapper lock pattern off any other lock you may have. I take a pattern of a lock and trace it on a piece of paper, then glue it to a piece of steel and cut it out on a metal band saw. There are 4 parts to a side-slapper lock, the hammer,sear. main spring and a sear spring.

I realy don't just what else I can say. A lot of times I set and watch TV and draw parts for locks. Most of the time I use a external main spring. This make the wrist stronger as you don't have to remove so much wood.

Hope this helps

Here are some of Olie's handmade mule ear (sideslapper) locks that he has made. There is one in the group picture that is original. Clever guy that Olie.......



He even makes his own triggers for these things!


...and here's a group picture.

Speaking of mule ear locks....there's a gun shop not far from me that has an old muzzleloader with a mule ear lock in it and the barrel looks to be a 30 caliber size. I just may ask the owner if he's interested in letting that go.....then restocking the thing......just another crazy idea.....
FYI a picture of a european side slapper, the only one I remember seeing. The hammer has a ring to pull it sideways.

To Olie, BS and Metalshaper,
I'm finally started. I'm using the Dale Story pictures as inspiration. The 1/4 X 1 cold rolled purchased. The proximal end of the hammer rounded and the pivit pin hole drilled. Today I drilled the depth of the lockplate. The drill wandered a little but I think its usable. Next milled the slot for the hammer and filed to final size and the pin fit through the plate with the hammer in. Horrraaaay

I'll have a couple of afternoons to work on it next week and then a little time off for knee replacement. Should give me plenty of time draw the next phase before I can get back to my mentors shop. I purchased a digital camera and took a couple of pictures. Maybe while I'm laid up I can figure out how to post them. Doug